Time Management at Work

  • Creator
  • #1821064

    Good evening ladies and gents,
    I have been at my job over a year and things are going decent. I work in private with two fellow accountants my boss and a senior accountant. I first oversaw accounts payable, bank recs, purchase orders, and other misc. tasks and found work to be slow at times. Now my boss has put me in charge of accounts receivable for our main company and sister company. The new responsibility is great and am learning how to manage receivables and payables how to book adjusting journal entries. However, my workload is daunting and have been staying half hour to forty-five minutes late. Do you think this is normal, early on in your career, or should I be better with time management and get my work done on time? I am salaried so unfortunately, I don’t get paid for staying later. I was wondering what your guys thoughts are? Thanks

    AUD 5/27/16 74 &#%!! 7/13/2016 86!
    BEC 8/17/2016
    FAR 11/04/2015 73, 1/4/2016 75 (phew!)
    REG 2/26/2016 74. 4/2/2016 79

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  • Author
  • #1821454

    I’m thinking this is normal since you just made the transition and haven’t necessarily gotten into a comfortable rhythm. Do you find that it’s volume or is it just a lack of plan for the day? Remember things take time to master. You may find yourself staying late for at least 6 months to a year but you should gradually see some efficiency. I find that things get easier after the 90-180 day period but still don’t get truly efficient until after 1 year. I do recommend documenting what you spent your time on and try some strategies to reduce those large chunks of time.


    I would also add that in some organizations there is a cultural expectation that salaried employees work more. 45 hour weeks doesn't sound unreasonable to me. If you're hourly and hours worked becomes a cost issue for the company, then yes, docuemnting how you're spending your time is a good idea.


    Thanks for the tips guys. It is a high volume as of now and don't know if I can finish it fourth hours, but with practice I think I will be able to finish it around 43 so I won't have to stay too late.

    AUD 5/27/16 74 &#%!! 7/13/2016 86!
    BEC 8/17/2016
    FAR 11/04/2015 73, 1/4/2016 75 (phew!)
    REG 2/26/2016 74. 4/2/2016 79

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