Thoughts on certificates?

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  • #176489

    I want to try and get into consulting or work in a fortune 500 in some capacity. I have less than 2 years experience, work 50+ hours a week, and my current employer is in the city I went to college and they constantly troll the career fair. Needless to say, i am finding it hard to look for something new because I can’t access career fairs without being fired, I have little free time, and a weak network.

    For these reasons, I have been looking at returning to school(different than the one I attended before) either for an MBA from top25 school or a certificate in computer science.

    I see a lot of opportunities opening for computer science + accounting backgrounds.

    Long story short: anyone have experience with certificates? If I enroll in a program do I gain access to that college’s career services / career fairs?

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  • Author
  • #402009

    You are so right about there being a real need for IT/programmers that have a working knowledge of accounting. We bought software from a very big company, at a very big price, and it is so hard to use it's ridiculous! It's obvious the programmers knew programming and not enough about real world accounting to allow us to use the software efficiently. I don't see why you wouldn't be given access to career fairs if you are an enrolled student at another college. Have you talked to a recruiter or taken advantage of Linkedin? Good Luck to you!

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