Supplement CPE Credit for Experience?

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  • #198642

    Although the most common way to get audit experience and to get an industry job in audit is to first work several years for a public accounting firm in the firm’s audit practice, I am trying to determine if there is a way to bypass the public accounting firm part and go straight into industry. I have this idea to take CPE courses and try to supplement that for my not having any audit experience. I would love to hear from anyone who has done this or anyone who might have constructive feedback about my idea. Thank you.

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  • #745517

    Do you mean the experience requirements for getting a license? Depends on the state, in MA the only way to get licensed without public experience is a master's degree. If you mean experience for the purpose of a resume and getting a job I doubt many employers would even consider CPE credits, if they're looking for experienced hires. There's more to experience than book knowledge.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    If you're wanting to get into internal audit without first doing public audit, that can be done, though entry-level internal audit positions aren't extremely common. Just have to watch for them. In an interview for such a position, telling them that you've been actively pursuing courses about auditing through CPE to expand your knowledge about auditing may help show your interest in auditing. However, as mla said, it's not going to substitute for experience. For one thing, most CPE courses seem to be more about fulfilling requirements for people who already know how to audit than for teaching new skills, and for another, experience actually working in the real world is what's being sought in experienced hire roles.

    I would not list CPE courses on your resume, ever. I can't think of any situation where it would be appropriate to do so.


    Thanks for responding, mla11692. I meant experience for the purpose of a resume and getting a job.


    Like lilla said entry level internal audit jobs are out there but they're harder to come by. If a position is advertised for experienced hires you still might be considered, but it all comes down to who else is applying for the position which is unknown to you. If your competition has tons of experience but wouldn't be a good personality fit and you have zero experience but world work well with the team, you stand a chance. I think most people forget that it's not about being qualified for a job but being the best of the available candidates.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Thank you, Lilla, as well. Both you and mla11692 have saved me money.

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