So I was at the dentist the other day…

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  • #175111

    and I was sitting in that recliner chair with a mouth full of dental tools. By the way, why is it EVERY dentist I go to LOVES to talk to their patients when they are right in the middle of a procedure. It’s like some power trip they have watching you try to give a response to their questions only to have incomprehensible mumbling and drool come out of your mouth.

    Anyway, he asked me what I did for work and having just gotten my shiny new license I told him I was a CPA. His face lights up and he goes, “Oh really? I wanted to buy a new car. Should I license or own?” I just mumbled some jibberish cause it’s not like he could understand anything I was saying anyway.

    How the hell should I know? Seriously? Apparently I’ve noticed a lot of people think I’m some kind of financial advisor / guru now or something. I’m an auditor currently but even if someone threw a tax question at me it would be reasonable. However, I have no idea what a good stock to buy is, I don’t know whether a Traditional or Roth IRA is better and I’m definately not a car salesman.

    Am I supposed to know this stuff?!? Because I didn’t see it on the CPA exam….

    Good Grief Charlie Brown!

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  • #385585


    Passing the CPA Exam doesn't mean anything except that the candidate has “entry-level knowledge sufficient to protect the public interest” (I know, total BS). I've met people who passed this exam that couldn't properly explain the accounting definition of goodwill. Another chick didn't know whether to debit or credit a gain. Basic concepts that every CPA should know, right? I guess not.


    Also, the differences between leasing and purchasing a car are pretty obvious (e.g. Lease = you don't own the car, but you have lower monthly payments and a lower down payment). The dentist, who presumably has several years of higher education, should know how to use Google to examine these differences in 2 minutes. I guess they're just good at drilling teeth, making conversation at inopportune times, and bringing in the dollaz.


    I commonly get the “oh your an accountant, can you do my taxes for me or can you tell me what is the best way to handle this tax situation.” These people piss me off because they are morons and have no clue what accountants do let alone how to do their own tax preparation. The last time this happened it was in front of about 15 people i got called out as the tax guy and had to explain to people that accountants do other things than tax. I serious want to punch the next person in the face that assumes i do something because they lack knowledge about the profession or want me to do their taxes for free.

    Sorry about the rant but this topic gets me fired up


    Its nicknamed the couldnt pass again exam for a reason… you forget everything you learned once you pass all 4 parts.


    All I ever hear when I say I am studying for the CPA exam is “Oh, you can do my taxes for free!” from EVERYONE. I always say “no”

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    Ask him for some facts and charge him $50-$100 an hour to figure out the NPV of each investment.

    BOOM. Profit. L2bizniz


    Yeah, passing the exam these days means you have properly responded to a standardized test; not that you are an expert in accounting/finance/tax issues. Why do you think we have to do so much CPE once we become a CPA.

    Texas CPA - licensed in 2012!!!

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