Should this excessive friendliness concern me? - Page 7

  • Creator
  • #189430
    mystical guy

    I’m a man in a Audit team with all my colleagues being women and the one who trains me has been a bit too “friendly” toward me, including getting into details of how I should organize my desk…bringing me stuff, cute gifts, asking me to join clubs she attends..etc.

    She’s mentioned a couple of times that she’s engaged and often complains about her man, even asking me to agree with her…but I stay out of that.

    I noticed that when she sits next to me, she will push her legs so close toward me that they will be very “intimate”. When I pull away my leg and give her space she becomes upset. She has also been touching me a lot and asking me out to lunch every day, even when I insist I go home for lunch. Constantly checks on my feelings, constantly asks if I’m happy and what she could “do” for me.

    I’m just wondering, I’m I overreacting here or could she be attracted to me? I love this job so much and I know any type of affair or office romance will probably put me in jeopardy. I just wanna know that I’m overreacting and I’m crazy.

    CPA - Since 2015
    CISA - Smashed 2012
    CIA - Passed 2015

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  • #614548


    Go watch the movie, Fatal Attraction. LOL!!! You'll be scared straight.


    Maybe I'm cynical, but I don't believe a word mystical guy is writing.

    A man can always be rude, push her away, raise his voice, give her an angry glance. It should not need prompting, it is done naturally if he is under stress. Women can read his mind before he even acts.

    Thus, none of what he is writing makes sense. And the longer he keeps up this charade the less I believe that he has “a thorn” that he cannot pluck out himself. More likely he has reasons to keep the charade going, like he keeps saying. Whether these reasons are rational or not, he has to accept responsibility for them.

    BA Mathematics, UC Berkeley
    Certificates in CPA and EA preparation, College of San Mateo
    CMA I 420, II 470
    FAR 91, AUD Feb 2015 (Gleim self-study)



    She would have started saying my name 5x a day if I were you, just saying…

    REG -63│ 84!!
    BEC- 59│70│ 71 │78!
    AUD- 75!
    FAR- 87!



    Ok, let me get this straight… You're single. A co-worker who is “way out of your league” and extremely fit and works out all the time (paraphrasing your earlier words) is being overly flirtatious with you and seemingly going out of her way to make sure you are on her jobs and her engagements. A co-worker who is nice and personable with you, but perhaps too flirtatious for your liking. You'll have to work long hours with this girl, and perhaps travel to overnight engagements.

    What's the problem? Most guys would love to be in your position at your age, yet you seem to want to run away from it.

    If you truly don't appreciate the actions of her, and you're talking about getting documentation and taping her for an eventual lawsuit, then you should have brought your grievances up a long time ago with management. Or simply stopped her advances from the get go. But you didn't. You've allowed it to go on, for who knows how long, without saying anything to anyone – just posting on some random forum and venting about the perceived problem. That just doesn't make any sense.

    I'm now wondering if this entire thing isn't some charade for kicks.

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 80
    REG - 86
    FAR - 83


    You need to make clear in no uncertain terms that you aren't interested. That is what anyone will ask you if you complain: “Did you make it clear that her advances were unwanted?”

    You need to address the problem yourself before you take any further action (i.e. going to managment).

    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a little nut that held its ground.


    Rocky123, CPA


    What a nub.. your gonna audio record this girl?? I'm with MOD I call BS on this situation.. It sounds like your going along with what she's doing and secretly on this side building a stash of heat against her. After this I don't think she'll ever mess with the quiet ones again!!

    A - 89 10/23/2014
    R - 90 2/27/2014
    F - 75 5/25/2014
    B - 83 8/28/2014


    Thread Closed.

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