Should this excessive friendliness concern me? - Page 2

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  • #189430
    mystical guy

    I’m a man in a Audit team with all my colleagues being women and the one who trains me has been a bit too “friendly” toward me, including getting into details of how I should organize my desk…bringing me stuff, cute gifts, asking me to join clubs she attends..etc.

    She’s mentioned a couple of times that she’s engaged and often complains about her man, even asking me to agree with her…but I stay out of that.

    I noticed that when she sits next to me, she will push her legs so close toward me that they will be very “intimate”. When I pull away my leg and give her space she becomes upset. She has also been touching me a lot and asking me out to lunch every day, even when I insist I go home for lunch. Constantly checks on my feelings, constantly asks if I’m happy and what she could “do” for me.

    I’m just wondering, I’m I overreacting here or could she be attracted to me? I love this job so much and I know any type of affair or office romance will probably put me in jeopardy. I just wanna know that I’m overreacting and I’m crazy.

    CPA - Since 2015
    CISA - Smashed 2012
    CIA - Passed 2015

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  • #614468

    Skynet, hurry up and finish this exam so you can use that accomplishment as a come on. No need to get Notebooked! Hahaha

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!

    mystical guy

    @fuzyfro89 I definitely can't reject her overtly because she's the darling of the company. Even the CEO loves her like a daughter and she's in a supervisor position. I just can't win with this situation. I'll definitely document everything, and the documentation includes what I'm writing here too.

    @Mamabear lol. I've seen his picture and I could take him any day lol jk. He's a good looking slender man, but it's my conscience that keeps me from even doing anything to this woman. My ex-wife cheated on me so I know never to cause someone else such pain, not even my worst enemy.

    @Mary 2496 Exactly. I don't wanna lose my job over someone else's woman. To make matters worse, people have started to give us “the look”, when she comes by my desk. Someone joked that we were writing each other love letters on IM. I DO NOT want this thing to go on. I'll have to find a way to end this without risking her retaliation.

    CPA - Since 2015
    CISA - Smashed 2012
    CIA - Passed 2015

    mystical guy

    @Skynet hilarious lol. We can trade places any time. All I want is to build my career up. All other things will follow later when I'm a Manager.

    CPA - Since 2015
    CISA - Smashed 2012
    CIA - Passed 2015


    @ mystical guy – Oh, Ok, I get it now. You want to play the supposedly “Bad Manager” and the the female Audit Staff will play the “New Hot & Young Audit and Assurance Staff Member who is wiling do anything to get ahead by seducing the supposed Bad Manager”

    *wink, wink*

    All kidding aside though.

    I congratulate you on being able to obtain a great job after being unemployed for two years. I am in a similar situation and working hard on the CPA exams and hopefully be able to land a great job like you.


    On the SWOT analysis, this could be an opportunity or a threat, you just have to re-align your strength and weakness to work around this situation.

    So would you call it a threat or opportunity? She hot?….opportunity

    Not hot?….thats a threat right there.

    Hey be good:)

    REG -63│ 84!!
    BEC- 59│70│ 71 │78!
    AUD- 75!
    FAR- 87!



    @ mystical guy If I were you, I'd sit back and relax. Don't put too much thought into it and don't deflect the attention when she throws it your way cause it obviously offends her when you do. Also don't initiate anything to promote it accept it for what it seems to be light flirting to keep her day going. She's engaged so it probably won't go much past what you've experienced. If she asks you to grab a drink after work accept but leave after one or two any longer or at a time not immediately after work could be trouble. Another option for the happy hour or lunch thing is accept then ask others to go also if there is a thrid wheel something inappropiate is less likely to happen.

    I've always worked in a boys club type atmosphere where a sexual harassment complaint from a guy would probably get you laughed out of there especially against someone they favor. I'd tell my female friends the same use it to your advantage you'll get more training, attention, and when they discuss promotions you'll be on her mind to mention you. Also take her up on joining those clubs she attends its good to have someone introduce you to others.

    Another theory is that she knows your good at what you do and its her way of trying to keep you working for her. I would document stuff in case tides turn and your accused of something.

    The main point is don't cross the line, don't go playing grab A#s with her, if you do end up in a situation where shes reallly really crossed the line then just say something like I want to but I can't cause I like you and I don't want things to become awkward in the office.

    Being out of work for years and having a spouse cheat on you is rough, I've been through both. However, this may be your opportunity to climb faster in that firm than most and make up for the 2 years of lost productivity.

    To end this I'd just like to quote you quickly, “Hoping she'll realize I'm not interested in socializing outside work, but she keeps pounding me even harder when I resist.” My how the tables have turned!

    A - Passed
    R - Passed
    B - Passed
    F - Passed


    8.5/10, i presume neither honesty or dishonesty by you, but we're going to have to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to support that rating


    Never in my life I thought I'd say this, I agree with the Biebs.

    A - Passed
    R - Passed
    B - Passed
    F - Passed

    mystical guy

    @ray33157 I like your analysis and the options you've presented. It started with small touches but now has graduated to pushing even her hips on me, and trying to get me alone. What's worse, when she wants me to go to some company event with her, she gets our boss to order me to go if I say I don't wanna go. So we end up going out together and spending an hour or more just hanging out at some stupid optional event. But I'll just go with it and stop it if things get out of hand.

    @OMGJUSTINBIEBER, lol. Well, she's not Megan Fox but she comes close. We all have our preferences but, generally, I think many people do find her attractive.

    CPA - Since 2015
    CISA - Smashed 2012
    CIA - Passed 2015


    mystical guy, i don't mean to be disrespectful,but are you gay>?


    mystical guy

    @BarceFan I'm not gay but even if I was, and she was of the same sex as I am, I would still be uncomfortable with the office romance and sexual interest, or the perceived sexual interest, from someone engaged.

    CPA - Since 2015
    CISA - Smashed 2012
    CIA - Passed 2015


    @Mystical…..follow your intuitions, if your intuition tells you to smash it, just go ahead and do it and be prepared for any consequences. You've gone through a lot of education and have even passed a professional exam like the cpa so now is not the time to teach you what is professional/moral and what's not.

    I believe you have your own kind of moral standard and none of us here can change those standards, right now you're somehow on your own. Assess the situation and think about it.

    REG -63│ 84!!
    BEC- 59│70│ 71 │78!
    AUD- 75!
    FAR- 87!



    Chew garlic. Frame a photo of an Abercromie and Fitch male model and tell her he's your boyfriend. Ask her to clip your toenails. Wear a fake wedding ring. Tell her you think you love her, but your restraining order from your last girlfriend prevents you from having a close relationship right now. Ask if you can suck on her toes. Tell her you can be together just as soon as you are made Manager. Start micromanaging what she's wearing. “Oh honey, not the black shoes again? With that outfit?”

    AUD 88 (expired), 80 retake
    FAR 64,69,67,73,67,73,73,73, August 3
    REG 75 (expired) September 7
    BEC 72, 77

    The adventure continues...


    CPA50 – Micromanaging what a woman's wearing is dangerous and might get him chained and dumped in the river weigted down with bricks.


    8.5.. wow tough man…I had a similar situation but the girl was not my type and totally unattractive to me, so it made it easier to avoid and reject. Luckily she found another job and I was freed. Coworkers made fun of me and said she was my gf, love letters etc …since you are the new guy she is giving you attention when the next guy gets hired u might be free, hope its sooner than later


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