Severe Burnout

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    Anyone else suffering from severe burnout?

    I’m done with the exam, but I still don’t feel like I’ve recovered. Part of my struggle has been with my job, which I am resigning from (my last day will be in early December). My job was a struggle–for a number of reasons–before I even began the exam, but I think that the exam just pushed me over the edge.

    I’m looking forward to some much needed time off to rejuvenate and then to get my bookkeeping business and other ventures fired up. I’ve been working on my business a bit here and there, but I think I’m going to put it on pause until I’m officially done with my job.

    Right now, all I want to do is go home and sleep. I’ve never been so exhausted in my life as right now. I’m beginning to have daily headaches, I can’t focus no matter how hard I try, and I’m starting to feel quite depressed. Also, my brain just isn’t functioning optimally right now. I can’t even write/speak in coherent sentences much of the time. I wish today were my last day at work. I need a break badly. 🙁

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA

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  • #306969

    What exactly do you do T-rex ?

    I am always interested in bookkeeping business, I actually thought about freelancing just to make some extra income.

    It's not easy to start a business, you will be succeeded if you hold onto it.

    CPA CLASS OF 2012!


    I am SO glad you posted this because I've really been beating myself up that I haven't “just bounced back” yet and everyone tries telling me it was setting the clocks back, getting dark earlier, yadda yadda yadda.

    Not to mention I have a nearly FATAL case of senior-itis. 4 more weeks of school until I am done with it forever and I have a 76 average. I've never had below a B+ average and I don't even care at this point. Frankly I'm willing to let it slip down to a 66 so long ad I can end the misery of being in school forever.

    No PhD. Not gonna happen. Not even a basket weaving course in my future. Nothing. Ever.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I feel you T-Rex…I got my results in September and I was ecstatic that I finally passed the CPA exam. However, my state (MA) lets you sit for and pass the exam before you have the 150 hours, but won't let you apply for a license until you finish the 150 hours. Needless to say this has been the longest, most difficult couple of months EVER!!! It's been such a letdown, from the high of passing to the low of having to return to my normal life. I finish my Masters in December, so I am so close…yet still so far away…

    I am pretty disgruntled myself too…I guess I saw a CPA as a ticket to a new life, but sitting in this holding pattern is just killing me. I am frustrated with my job too…it's not personal because I have a pretty good bunch of people to work with, it's just the feeling that now that I'm going to be a CPA I want to be more than just a low level Staff Accountant. It's hard to explain I guess…I just want to move on to the next phase of my life and it's not happening fast enough 🙁

    Hang in there…I'm sure things will get better for both us soon. I'm glad to have this forum where we can all vent to each other and know that someone else can understand and sympathize 🙂


    duker heres the kicker for me, I had 156 hours in August and will have 159 in December and STILL can't apply 🙁

    Did you get your congratulations letter and how long did that take?

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    @ mla

    I guess I shouldn't complain…that is awful!! How come you can't apply? Does the Board not accept some of your courses?

    I got my congratulations letter about a month after I got my score online…


    I'm in MA, just like you…I don't have any experience (let me rephrase I have TONS of experience but none under the direct supervision of a CPA) so I can't “just” have the 150 hours which is required either way, I have to actually have a graduate level degree. I am finishing up my last requirement for my Masters at SNHU but I believe I have to wait for the degree conferral in January before I can claim I have my masters degree. *sigh* No matter I only passed #4 last week so by the time I get my congrats letter it will only be a couple more weeks before I can apply. Still want it NOW!

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I have serve burnout and I'm not even done yet!! This is how I know I'm burned out, the last 2 and this exam coming up I've been getting sick right before the exam. Back in August when I sat for FAR, 2 weeks before the exam, I ended up in the ER with a bad UTI. Last month, before my Auditing exam, I went to the doctors cause I wasn't feeling well. The Doctor asked me how was I functioning. I had a 102.9 fever. Now here I am 2 weeks out of my rematch with FAR and guess what??? I fighting a bad headcold!!! I can't wait until this chapter in my life is over!!!!

    Started sitting in May 2002, on and off. But since 2008 I've been nonstop and my scores are....
    AUD - 39, 48, 56, 65, 68, 73, 76!!! (Finally passed in Oct 2011!!!) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    REG - 75 (Lost Credit) 72, 68, 73, 75 (Passed again in Aug 2011) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    FAR - 65, 68, 75 (Lost Credit) 68, 73, 73, 80 (Passed again in May 2012) Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    BEC - 65, 68, 71, 72, 72, 71, 76 (Lost Credit)- 70, 76!!!! I AM DONE!!! - Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    After 10 long years of studying, I AM DONE!!!! Finally a Licensed CPA in the State of New York!!


    @shell, I write and edit accounting-related content for trade magazines, manuals, books, training courses, etc. My work itself and the hours are fine; what's not fine is the toxic environment that I work in. It has done me in. I'm going the self-employment route for now.

    @mla, I also thought I'd have bounced back by now. Life has been like a roller coaster. I'll bet that you'll feel much better once you're done with school. You are so close! Is this a Master degree that you're working on?

    @duker, Congrats on passing the exam and on almost completing your Master degree. That is awesome. I'll bet that both you and mla will be ecstatic and relieved once you graduate. The end is right around the corner! I think you're right that things will improve. Perseverance is the key. But we all know that already having come as far as we have. Your CPA and Master degree will be your ticket to a higher level position. I'm glad to have this forum, too. It's been a tremendous source of support.

    @jomarie, I suspect that the perseverance you have shown throughout this CPA journey has been an inspiration to many. I know that it was for me. I'm sorry you've been sick so much. The exam can definitely take it's toll on one's health. I really hope that you don't get sick anymore.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA



    I think that this process is a wild ride. I think just like life, we barrel through the tough times, then when the dust settles, we start to feel the after effects. I think the last few weeks of work are going to be hard for you, but there is light for you at the end of the tunnel. I would take your body's cue and veg out. Nest a bit. Take care of yourself!


    I retook AUD the 28th. I missed it by 2 points. I thought I had aced it, but it was back to studying. I hit a wall last week of Oct. brain was full. Did light MCQ and review and since test I am cooked about exam. Hopefully know in 2 weeks, but don't want let down of last time. I have shifted focus onto a job. Exam wise I am flat out fried. AT this moment in time I get sick to my stomach thinking I may have to re-study. So I just put it out of my mind the best I can.

    I am KFC extra crispy.


    @yankee, Thank you! I think you're right. I think that I'm just now starting to really pay the price for neglecting my health (mental, physical, emotional) for so long. I drove myself hard when it came to the CPA exam. In between sections, I decided that it would be a good idea to study for and take the ACE certified personal trainer exam. All the while, I have been struggling at my job for the past two years due to changes in the environment there. I know that the next few weeks are going to be rough, and I also realize that I'll go through a bit of an adjustment period once I do leave my job. I do see the light though! I'm going to spend this weekend nesting as you recommend! I got a good amount of sleep last night, and because of it, I'm already feeling better. I'll probably exercise in a bit and then have a super healthy breakfast. Maybe watch a movie and squeeze a nap in somewhere. Today will be a good day!

    @CPAawl, I really hope you passed AUD! If you did, you'll be done! I can understand how you'd be “extra crispy” at this point. My last section was FAR, and it damn near killed me. It took me over a month after I was done with it to muster the energy to complete the ethics exam. I also felt sick when I though about the possibility of a retake. It sounds like you're doing the right thing trying not to focus on your exam performance for now. It is what it is, and odds are that you passed, given how close you were last time.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA

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