List 3.0 GPA on Resume?

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  • #178330

    So I recently graduated college and my gpa is 3.0 for both my accounting classes and my overall gpa. Should I list gpa? I previously listed 3.2 as my accounting gpa and haven’t changed it because I don’t see point of changing it. I could always just say I received my grades late if they ask for transcript but that window of opportunity is running dry so should I list 3.0 as my overall or just omit it totally. I feel like if I omit my gpa, it will make it appear as though I have a 2.0-2.8 range. However I do have internship experience and had a leadership position while in school. Thoughts?

    Quest to be a CPA

    BEC-74 (7/13),
    REG- ?? (8/13)

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  • #424029

    If I was a recruiter/HR and did not see a GPA on a recent college grads resume, I would be a little worried or skeptical. I think anything lower than a 3.0 you might not want to list, but I think you should be fine listing it. Just make sure the rest of your resume is great which considering you had an internship and leadership position should be easy to do.

    Maybe you can put an emphasis on the experience section by making it look a little nicer (bold/italics/etc.) compared to where you have your gpa/education section… not so that you're hiding it.. but so you are emphasizing your experience more.

    Hope this helps!

    FAR: 91
    BEC: August 10, 2013
    REG: October 7, 2013
    AUD: November 23, 2013


    I'd say list it. It's not really a great GPA, but like someone already mentioned, it's better than someone thinking it's a 2.6 or whatever.

    I think you should definitely highlight your extracurriculars. Most recruiters want to see a more well riunded ndividual versus a bookworm that sits in the library all day. Good luck.

    Mayo, BBA, Macc


    You shouldn't leave 3.2 if it's really 3.0. Yeah, you'd probably get away with it but that's flat-out unethical.

    NY CPA



    If your true GPA is 3.0 and NOT 3.2, you MUST update your resume to reflect this. Keep in mind that employers request college transcripts. Especially from recent grads.

    If an employer sees the discrepancy and you inflated your GPA on your resume versus what is actually on your transcript, this will definitely hurt your chances. You may say it's an honest mistake but I wouldnt count on strangers giving you the benefit of the doubt. Also, it is a FLAT OUT LIE if you give an excuse regarding the GPA discrepancy because YOU KNOW it's a 3.0 and NOT a 3.2.

    This is meant to be constructive criticism for your own good :).

    FAR 46*, 77
    AUD 70, 79
    BEC 67, 82
    REG 75

    Texas License July 2013

    Used Yaeger lectures based on Wiley textbooks

    *Studied less than two weeks, forgot I had purchased NTS.


    I think you should list it, and i would list 3.0 not 3.2. Worst thing is to lie, if you get caught your reputation takes a huge hit. Be prepared to answer questions about it. Why is it 3.0, did you do good in accounting and not great in other business classes ect. After you have been out of school 2-3 years I wouldn't put it on anymore.

    A - 61, 91!!
    B - 78!
    F - 76!!!
    R - 71, 73, 74, 69, 77!!!!

    Finally done!

    This is my 2nd attempt at the exam, I had two parts passed (failed many) and I stupidly quit, big mistake. Now I'm back and with a vengeance!


    Yea I will change it and I agree that it is unethical however not having a job sucks kinda right? Also I really don't believe anyone will question my gpa. When I asked at my college's career services center they said list anything above a 3.0 and acted like it was good (I kinda lol'd inside but I guess some people do poorly in college). As far as why I did poorly, I was not really dedicated and worked alongside my classes so I found it hard to manage my time well.

    Also do most jobs really ask for a transcript? I imagine a 3.2 isn't going to raise any red flags. I can only see big cpa firms and big 4 asking for a transcript honestly. However, I will change my gpa because I would find it quite embarassing if they did ask for a transcript. Also sadly I think my major gpa is sub 3.0 due to poor grades in classes that I find pointless such as marketing,etc. I list accounting gpa on my resume and only take accounting courses into account. Honestly, I got an A- in intermediate 2 when I actually focused on school so I think I'm competent. I did poorly in advance and auditing (due to a poor group grade that was unfairly received)

    Quest to be a CPA

    BEC-74 (7/13),
    REG- ?? (8/13)

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