Recruiter Call – Robert Half Finance & Accounting

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  • #162193

    Hello everyone :o)

    I am thinking about leaving my current job, but I need to give some background before I can ask for your advice.

    I currently work at a bank. My boss is usually pretty nice, but occasionally he just goes off the deep end and tears me apart. He’s kind of a terrible communicator. Everyone else that I work with is alright. The benefits here are pretty good, but annual raises are only 2% to 2.5% each year, which doesn’t even keep up with inflation. The bank’s excuse is that the banking industry has been hit hard by the economy (and it has). That doesn’t stop the CEO and his friends from going golfing on the bank’s dime every weekend, but who am I to judge. 🙂 Also, all of the male officers get together every week and go out to lunch.. and do not invite any of the female officers. All of the men went on a camping retreat together a couple weekends ago too.. again on the bank’s dime… and the women didn’t get anything. There is definitely a boy’s club feeling around here, and since I’m female I do see that as a problem.

    My boss told me while I was studying for the CPA exam things like “trust me, it will be worth it to you.” I assumed that meant I would get some kind of raise and/or promotion when I earned my CPA. What I got: a 2% extra raise. Not exactly what I was hoping for. If someone had told me two years ago “If you work really hard and get your CPA license, you will get a 2% raise,” it wouldn’t have been enough to motivate me. He said he really wanted to give me more, but he couldn’t convince the higher-ups because the bank is having financial problems etc etc… basically he didn’t fight hard enough for me. I can tell that he really doesn’t want me to leave, but also that I am never going to get a decent raise here. Apparently the officers (I’m not an officer) haven’t gotten any kind of a raise in a couple years.

    As for my job, my title is “staff accountant” but I prepare about 8 pretty hefty reports for the bank every quarter, to both the FDIC and Federal Reserve Bank. I help with our SEC reporting and work with external auditors. I also handle all investment and fixed asset accounting for the bank, along with a bunch of other miscellaneous reconciling. My responsibilities and stress have increased dramatically since I started in this position a little over two years ago, but my pay has only barely increased (2.5% first year, 4% second year including CPA “bonus”). I don’t see a lot of room for growth here since the CFO is relatively young, and the Controller is also pretty young and I doubt he’ll be moving up until the CFO moves on.

    I currently live in a small city with NO job prospects unless I wanted to go back into public accounting, which I don’t. I saw a job posting in a city about 7 hours away that I have been interested in living in for a long time. I’m qualified for the position, it sounds very similar if not easier than what I’m currently doing, has a better title.. and it pays $15-$20k more per year. I submitted my resume and cover letter to the Robert Half recruiter who posted the position, and I got a call the next day. I’m going to call her back today.

    Does anyone have any experience with Robert Half recruiters? I just want to know what to expect. Also any job advice would be welcome too.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • Author
  • #303422

    So I work for Robert Half right now, they placed me in my current accounting position. Just a couple of things to know, they call back pretty much everyone who applies for any of their posted positions. They may be wanting to interview you specifically for the job, or they are just trying to interview you in case something else in the future comes up. A big part of the recruiting business is building up a cache of prospects that you can use to fill future positions.

    Also, ask if this is a contract position or a direct placement. Contract means you will actually be a Robert Half employee “assigned” to the client. This can be long term or short term, it just depends on the client's needs. The downside is that contract work is not permenant employment (even if the client says its long term) because the client can decide at any time to eliminate your position, the same labor protection rules dont apply with regards to being let go because you arent actually employed by the client. With direct placement, Robert half is just doing the head-hunting for the client. You will be permenantly employed by the client, and Robert Half just gets a one-time commission.

    Other things to keep in mind is that in a contract position, Robert Half is getting a percentage of your salary as contract fees. So sometimes these positions pay less because the client is paying a premium to Robert Half for your services. My boss told me once that I'd be making an extra $5-6 an hour if I was a direct hire instead of contracted through Robert Half because thats what they are paying in contract fees. In a direct placement, Robert Half is getting a percentage in commission, but its a one time deal so it usually doesnt effect your salary as much.

    Sounds like you aren't happy in your position, and if there aren't any other opportunities in your area then I would consider moving. Where you live has a big impact on your career, what kinds of jobs are available, corporate culture, etc. Even if the recruiter doesnt think you are right for this position (although from what you've said it sounds like you could be a really good candidate), the interview call will at least get you in the door with the recruiter and if something else comes up, you will be the first person they call. Sometimes its nice to work with a recruiter because they are in the clients ear talking you up. Sometimes it can be a disadvantage because alot of companies wont use or hire through recruiters because of the fees.


    Just as an FYI, there are very few people getting raises at all (regardless of the industry). I do think its time for you to look but just wanted to point out that at 2%, you are doing better than probably 70% of the country.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I think all those men in that bank are gay………that's for sure…lol


    @CalCPASoon – Thanks a lot for all of that information. That makes me feel a lot more prepared to call the recruiter back.

    @mla – I know that the economy sucks and most people aren't getting raises. That doesn't mean that I have to be one of those people. It would be one thing if I was just doing the same job and hadn't been getting increasing responsibility.. or if I hadn't gotten my CPA. But I have been, and I did, and I deserve to be compensated for that. I control my destiny.. not the awful economy. I'm tired of people just sitting back and blaming their failure to succeed on the economy. Yes, the economy sucks, and things are definitely a lot harder, but there's also opportunity to succeed. For example – look at Jeff. He's got this website and he's done wonders, all while the economy has been in the tank. Props to Jeff.

    @mark – Maybe 🙂 Or maybe they just all go out and talk crap about women – probably their wives and the women they work with. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid.


    awwwwww…..don't feel bad FinallyFree, one day you'll climb to the top, but everything has its time… We all love u here… <3


    Robert Half frequently posts job listings when they don't actually have a client looking for someone. They do it to build their database of resumes. They won't tell you this of course. Having said that, I did get a job through Robert Half. But I'd say on average, probably half of their listings don't have an actual position behind them. That's not a scientific number of course.

    I think the issue with your current job is that you KNOW there will not be as much room for advancement than if you were a guy. Does this glass ceiling still exist? Sure. Is it pervasive? No, not in my experience. I'm in my mid 30's and it's never stopped me, and I worked for a time at an online sports company that was almost exclusively men. Ask yourself this, if you were a guy, would this bank still be where you want to spend the next 5-10 years? Is this a place you will learn new, valuable skills, and do you like the people enough to stay that long? If so, maybe you'll be the first female to change their minds. If not, what do you want to stay for anyway?

    Also, I realize this is a controversial statement, but if your job didn't change after receiving the CPA designation (in other words, if you stopped doing less complicated tasks and were given a new set of tasks that required your CPA knowledge), then you shouldn't expect much of a raise. The market pays what it will pay. That's the beauty of the free market. You can absolutely take your CPA elsewhere and get a better job. Capable people with decent work ethics who aren't quitters can still make their own way in this country. It's not THAT bad… yet. So short story, just as you don't throw good money after bad, don't throw good time after bad. If there are no positions in your area and you'd like to move, move. If it's not Robert Half, it'll be somebody else.

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    @katiekanton – Thanks for the response. My job is changing. I'm not sure how much it will in total, but since I passed my last exam my boss has been increasing my workload and including me on a lot of research topics that he needs help with. He said he wants me to move from bank reporting to consolidated reporting, and to start having a bigger part in SEC reporting. So… he wants me to do more of his job… but not get paid more.


    @CalCPASoon LOL sorry but I couldn't help thinking Robert Half being a pimp of accountants while reading your description of contract work

    @katie are they allowed to do that? post job listings when there is no job? sounds shady and perhaps illegal to me. i saw an ad on the other day from one of the temp agencies (robert half, accountemps or something) and it read something like, “we're looking for senior accountant for a manufacturing company”. if they post an ad like that just to bait people's resumes, that would seem highly unethical


    @ cannotpass, yes they do it all the time. It can't be proven that they didn't have a job similar or fill a job approximately like that so they're covered. They also take random job listings off monster,etc and try to pass them off as if they are representing the company (legal unless the ad specifies “no recruiters”)

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    @CannotPass – Where did you see that ad? The one that I saw was exactly the same…

    I didn't call the recruiter today on my lunch as I had planned. Just not feelin' it. Maybe Monday. I guess it's no rush if they don't even have a real position available.


    Mla1169's right, say Walmart's looking for an accountant and posts something on Monster. Robert Half will take the ad, change it somewhat, post it themselves, then when they get good candidates, they contact Walmart and say I've got somebody you should look at.

    FinallyFree, you aren't guaranteed Robert Half doesn't actually have a job. I got my best job ever from them (the sports company I mentioned earlier).

    AUD - 88
    FAR - 90
    REG - 85
    BEC - 88


    I will say this, I applied for a job on craigslist about 5 months ago. Turns out was a headhunter. After many conversations she told me that the company “decided to call off the search”. I figured a scam.

    She called me back this week. Turns out the same position had been filled a few weeks earlier (so WHY did she interview me?) and her client said the new hire wasn't working out. She talked the client into giving this new hire a fair chance to make a better impression.

    Hit the 6 month mark this week and its still not working out, so guess who they want to talk to now? I was their 2nd choice. Way better job than where I am, 40% pay increase. My 2nd interview will be after AUD on Wednesday.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Hmm well I will definitely call the recruiter on Monday either way. Thanks guys.

    @mla1169 – Good luck at your interview! That sounds like a great opportunity for you!


    @finallyfree i saw it on for the san francisco, ca location with minimum salary criteria of $70,000 (i think)


    @CannotPass – The one I saw was in Portland. Sounds suspicious. Oh well, I'll call anyways just in case something else comes up. It can't hurt to have a connection, right?

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