Real world auditors please read

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  • #178563

    If you work in audit, could you please tell me what software you utilize for financial statement presentation? Do you use a combination of Word and Excel spreadsheets? My company is currently looking at changing software and I was just wondering what other firms are using.

    Please indicate if you’re a small, medium, or big 4-type firm. Thanks.

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  • Author
  • #425343

    Caseware document manager for workpapers and trial balance

    Excel for financials

    Word for footnotes

    Mid-size regional firm


    Creative Solutions Accounting for workpapers

    Excel for financials

    Word for notes/report

    Mid-size regional firm

    BEC - 83
    FAR - 83
    REG - 74, 78
    AUD - 76

    Becker Self Study


    University internal audit I worked at during college uses CCH TeamMate for the workpapers/centralized templates. And of course MS Excel for testwork and Caseware IDEA for sampling/extraction. IDEA and ACL are the two leading data extraction/sampling softwares in the field as far as I know. KPMG uses IDEA.

    Each of the Big 4 use their own proprietary software, KPMG has eAudIT..PwC has Aura..they are individualized but essentially identical.

    REG- Waiting 7/1/13
    BEC- Waiting 7/23/13
    AUD- Studying 8/12/13
    FAR- Signed up 10/1/13
    Studying with CPAExcel and Wiley Test Bank.


    Grant Thornton uses their own Voyager and TBeam software for workpaper and trial balance documentation. TBeam is then used to create financial statements in word/excel for final report production.

    BEC - 68, 76
    AUD - 90, 91
    FAR - 63, 83
    REG - 55, 79



    Big 4 audit here.

    Not sure if I understand your question.

    We keep a trial balance in excel. We receive the 10k's from the client in Word and make changes in Word using track changes.

    We have our own proprietary software for our audit, but it doesn't create financials or what have you.

    Mayo, BBA, Macc


    Caseware Document Manager, Excel and Word for financials and footnotes.

    Small-Medium firm.

    FAR: 79 (Becker basic)
    AUD: 68 (Becker basic), 91 (Becker, WTB, NINJA)
    BEC: 64 (blind), 81 (Becker, WTB, NINJA)
    REG: 68 (Becker basic), 73 (Becker, WTB, NINJA), REMATCH 2/27

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