Quit after 1 year

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  • #1691260

    I started my career at bit 4 and worked for almost 7 years and I left when I was a 2nd year manager.
    This hedge fund I joined used to be my client at bit 4. They recruited me.
    I have worked here for about 6 months and I am not sure if I am happy here.

    Would it be crazy if I move back to big 4? This time to London. I’m in NY and I’ve always wanted to live in london for a few years. I am in my mid 30 and I’d like to move before I get too old.

    The reason why I don’t like this place is that
    1. my direct boss who hired me is crazy. I can’t stand her work style (micromanage everything… even email/phone call) and the tone of her voice/the way she speaks to me and others (she doesn’t discriminate). Apparently, my other coworkers hate her.
    2. I only get 1-2 hours of work a day. This is heaven compared to big 4… but still I am not sure why they even hired me.
    3. Firm culture cannot be this boring.
    4. Pay isn’t that high that many big 4 people think it would in private sector.
    Overall, I am not happy here.

    I am not sure if I am making a mistake if I jump after a year… or if it’s better I stick around 2 years… 🙁

    Any advice would help.

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  • Author
  • #1691267

    I would say leave after a year. There are plenty of jobs out there that will value you and you're experience.


    It is very common these days for people to change jobs often. I say go ahead and move. You are wasting valuable time you could be using somewhere you intend to stay. JMO

    B | 62, 78
    A | 73, 67, 79
    R | 82
    F | 59, 59, Waiting

    Ethics | 93

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
    ~Winston Churchill

    “In a world full of critics, be an encourager."


    former manager at a big 4, i am sure you will have no problem landing something you are happier with.


    I'd leave! I left public after 2017 busy season as did about 5 other people I knew and all of them including myself are already leaving our industry jobs for other industry jobs and one actually went back to my previous firm. I think it's actually very common for people who go from public to private to have to move around a little bit before they find their ideal “forever” industry job.


    I knew one person at a big 4 that did the expat in London and they loved it. If I was younger I would have loved to do something like that. If you can get into a big4 expat program you should just do it for 1 year and then move on to another job if you want. Also in London I heard they are much more lax than we are here.


    Also should mention they were also a manager.


    @hello712love I wouldn't hesitate to transition out, even though you've only been there for one year – even 9 months (and round up!). Sounds like you're discovering things about the position/job and your direct boss that you didn't know going in. It's no big deal to NOT know those things ahead of time. Just hopefully your next gig is void of such surprises.


    Enviable! You all have JOBS!!

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