Post-interview / How to handle rejection - Page 2

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  • #182989

    Hi A71 friends,

    I just received my first rejection from one of the several Auditor jobs I’ve applied right before year end 2013. I’m extremely devastated because it was one of the places I wanted to work for. However, I’m not going to fret over this any longer and just move on as I have a few more that I’m waiting for a response.

    Well, I’m writing this email to ask for an opinion whether it’s ok to ask the managers/interviewers or HR what was it that made them choose another over me? It’s not my intention to put them on the spot, so I’m just planning to send them a nice email (and not call) so at least they can ignore if they feel uncomfortable answering. I mean, I’ve gotten through the application process this far, so at least I know that they saw something in me that was worth interviewing. I just wanted to know if they chose one who had an advance degree, or one who was CPA licensed, or possibly because I had an inconsiderate and ungrateful reference (although, I highly doubt this, because I’ve asked all my references prior….btw, most of my references are my previous managers from past jobs)… but you never really know do you, if they badmouthed you… 🙁

    So, has anybody had the guts to do this? And for the managers who are members of this forum, would you be comfortable to answer such questions if an interviewee decided to ask? Again, it is not my intention to argue as to why they didn’t hire me, but just to help re-evaluate and re-asses myself so I can be more competitive in the future.

    Thanks! (and sorry for the long post)

    Review Materials: RogerCPA, WTB, NINJA

    BEC - IP (May 2014)
    AUD - TBA 2014
    REG - TBA 2014
    FAR - TBA 2014

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  • #505537

    @AGV13 No no no, you should never be “early” for an interview. 5 mins early at the most. This shows that you don't respect their time (just like getting there late) because you are cutting into work time for them. I've read tons of interviewing websites and also had one lady comment when I was 8-10 minutes early (I didn't know if I was in the right place at first so wanted to make sure before I was in the late category)

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    If you will be sitting in a waiting room, then being more like 15 minutes early is OK – just tell the receptionist you're here for a 2:00 appointment with Joe Brown, but you know you're early so you'll wait or something like that. If, however, you will be interrupting them 15 minutes early, then yes that is bad, but definitely still be at least 5 minutes early – otherwise if their watch is off or something they might think you were late!

    @OP – I wouldn't have the guts to ask, but I did have one interviewer call me to tell me that they'd chosen another guy and he told me that it was because the guy had more experience. At the time, I had no accounting experience, so I couldn't really blame them!


    If you will be sitting in a waiting room, then being more like 15 minutes early is OK – just tell the receptionist you're here for a 2:00 appointment with Joe Brown, but you know you're early so you'll wait or something like that. If, however, you will be interrupting them 15 minutes early, then yes that is bad, but definitely still be at least 5 minutes early – otherwise if their watch is off or something they might think you were late!

    @OP – I wouldn't have the guts to ask, but I did have one interviewer call me to tell me that they'd chosen another guy and he told me that it was because the guy had more experience. At the time, I had no accounting experience, so I couldn't really blame them!



    This probably won't be what you want to hear, but it's something I've experienced recently. Don't worry about getting an answer from HR or whoever if they rejected you because they can say whatever they want just to get you off their back. Just be persistent and move along. It took me about two years to finally get my foot in the door at a CPA firm and it's exactly what I wanted in a job. I had many interviews and have heard plenty of rejections and was pretty devastated each time. I had a lot going against me because I didn't go to the local university, no internships, & some background stuff. The only job I could get was an industry job that I absolutely hated. I almost gave up on trying to get into public accounting and actually started doing some marketing & business development stuff at a local company. Five months later I got a call from a small firm (7 employees) for an interview, went & got offered a few hours later. The key to me was having a smile on my face the whole time and being positive with each response. So I guess what I was trying to say is don't worry about the rejections, but stay persistent in other opportunities.

    FAR - 44,15,36,37, Retake Feb 2015
    REG - April 2015
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD



    This probably won't be what you want to hear, but it's something I've experienced recently. Don't worry about getting an answer from HR or whoever if they rejected you because they can say whatever they want just to get you off their back. Just be persistent and move along. It took me about two years to finally get my foot in the door at a CPA firm and it's exactly what I wanted in a job. I had many interviews and have heard plenty of rejections and was pretty devastated each time. I had a lot going against me because I didn't go to the local university, no internships, & some background stuff. The only job I could get was an industry job that I absolutely hated. I almost gave up on trying to get into public accounting and actually started doing some marketing & business development stuff at a local company. Five months later I got a call from a small firm (7 employees) for an interview, went & got offered a few hours later. The key to me was having a smile on my face the whole time and being positive with each response. So I guess what I was trying to say is don't worry about the rejections, but stay persistent in other opportunities.

    FAR - 44,15,36,37, Retake Feb 2015
    REG - April 2015
    AUD - TBD
    BEC - TBD

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