Patience is not a virtue of mine

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  • #1735718

    A little background: I worked in legal for about 8 years and decided to change to accounting. Got my MBA and found a small CPA firm to give me a chance so I could gain experience. I’ve been here almost 4 years now. I know that I am underpaid a little since it is a small firm (I was the first full-time employee), but it was a great starting point and I learned a lot.

    I finally completed the exams and got licensed a few weeks ago. The firm did not pay for anything towards the exam (but did allow me to take the test on business days without using PTO), so I figured I’d at least get a decent bonus…but it wasn’t even enough to cover my materials.

    They’ve been very good to me and I’ve got a cushy position, but I want to be more than a bookkeeper, and I feel like unless I want audits my current position won’t allow me to grow. The more I think about it, I think I’ve pretty much learned everything I am going to here. I like tax season typically, but I’m having problems staying focused this year. I decided to start looking for a new position after tax season, and now I feel like I’m already checked out at work. It’s hard, and all I want to do is look for my next gig so I can move on. My current firm does a lot of audits and reviews, and I want to specialize in tax.

    Anyway, not sure what the actual point of this post is, except to maybe find someone that can commiserate with my current predicament. 🙂

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo

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  • #1736085

    You wont find much in public after tax season..youll have to wait til fall


    Totally. I'm probably further along in my career, 12 years of experience up to Director level, but now I’ve been re-orged to a Corporate role in special projects which is boring the hell out of me. So I’m taking the CPA exams and looking for a new job – anywhere and everywhere. I’m completely checked out at work and can barely get up in the morning. Probably more due to dreading work than from staying up past 1 am studying. Need that job offer soon – hopefully from Denver.


    Really? I've kept a quiet eye on positions the last few years and it seems like there is always something popping up in various locations in my area.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I seem to have the same issue. Also, my threads aren't showing up.


    Jennifer, after you leave, can you recommend me for your position as I want to perform audits?


    That patience thing…it's brutal. If this is already being a struggle, I can't imagine what waiting for scores was like! I'm not particularly patient myself, score releases were crazy, and to think about job stuff, well, that gets even more tedious. I'm happy where I'm at, but I still find myself glancing at job postings!

    My recommendation would be to stick out busy season, but start inquiring about other positions as well. The biggest trap we can fall into is feeling like we've got one foot out the door–employers will notice this as well, and it's no fun for anyone! I have a feeling that if you were to jump out during busy season, that might leave your firm with a bad taste. So definitely try to leave on good terms, and be honest that you're more interested in tax instead of audit/bookkeeping.

    From what it sounds like, they're a small firm, probably financially doing the best they can with smaller resources. That's all the more reason for you to leave on good terms–otherwise they may struggle through the job search. But you still need to look out for yourself, so don't dismiss your career!

    I'm wondering (but have no basis to tell) if there are differences in hiring patterns depending on your region? Or whether you're in a small or large city? I had a similar path as your's: few years of work, then finished the MBA, interviewed in March, and began work in June, then completed exams two weeks ago. From my experience, if a (smaller or mid-sized) firm sees value in hiring you, they will probably hire you no matter the time of the year. My impression is that large firms tend to focus on the recruiting calendar (and want people fresh from college).

    Sorry for the incoherent ramblings…I'm not organizing thoughts very well, but that's what busy season does to us all!


    I’m not planning on doing anything until after tax season, for sure. They are a small firm, and have had problems hiring in the past. I am planning on talking to my boss right around the time I am going to really start looking to give them as much time as possible for them to find someone and so I can help train them, if they want. My leaving will definitely hurt them so I am wanting to do as much as I can to make it as best as I can. Plus, since they are my only accounting experience I want to be able to use them for references. I think that would look good to future potential employers. They’ve been very good to me and it was a great place to start, but I just think it’s time to move on. They know I want to focus on taxes, but they have been honest by saying my responsibilities won’t change with the CPA and they don’t have the work for a full time tax person.

    I’m not sure I want to go to a large firm, but definitely mid-size. My family needs insurance and my firm is too small to offer it. My husband has been carrying it but went back to school last year so we have just been making do for now. Thankfully, we have insurance on my daughter so at least we don’t have to worry about that.

    As for regions, I’m kind of in a weird area. I live in Illinois, so smaller towns, but I am close enough to St. Louis, MO so that opens up many more opportunities. I’m not looking forward to the drive again since I’ve been working closer to home, but the opportunities and pay are better going to that side of the river.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    @ems215 Sure, you’re hired! Haha 🙂 If you’re in my area I’d definitely be open to giving you more info when it’s time.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I am in the same predicament except I haven't passed my exams yet (so obviously not licensed). I've been at my small firm for almost the same time as you as well. I think your plan sounds solid, and is what I will be doing too after I get my CPA. I also think there are plenty of public accounting tax positions after tax season is over, I have seen plenty of them in my area.


    Well the main hiring season is Sept to Jan..but of course yes every firm has its own needs..I got my hours cut last year afte tax season so found something in June and had a couple of other interviews as well.

    I live in chicago though so huge area..

    if youre flexible on living locations you probably wont have any trouble with 4 years experience.


    I can commiserate and am in the same position. I work at a very small firm…if I leave at the wrong time, they're totally screwed. The plan is to have me long term/partner track, but I don't think this is my road…or at least want to explore some other roads before committing to this path. I have a couple of interviews lined up after the season and feel already checked out.

    They also radically under paid me and boned me on the bonus last year…and are sort of giving me crap because I am working fewer hours this year in response (“only” 70, the nerve). I don't like the clients here at all.


    Aaron you're only on a long term partner track until they decide they can hire someone cheaper or they like better.

    I was on a “longterm parnter” track only to be laid off on my first year..which was fun trying to explain how that happened to prospective employers on top of the bulk of hiring being already done.

    always do whats best for you.


    Adam – thank you for posting that. You are very right. I won't leave during tax season…or within a few months before it…but you're absolutely right.


    I'm hoping that since they hired a fresh college graduate last year, that it won't be that hard for them to find someone to replace me. I guess at this point I'm kind of valuable with the experience for them, but it wouldn't take much to teach someone freshly out of college the basics of my job and it would be much cheaper for them. It's probably 80% bookkeeping and payroll, so not complicated stuff.

    I can relate to not liking the clients. Some of them just get under my skin so bad, because they are either idiots or looking for free money.

    And add to that the fact that I haaaaaaaaate the new 22 year old they hired last year who spends way too much time in my office asking questions and I'm 1000% ready to find a larger firm. I worked in law firms previously, so in my mind it will be kind of the same setup in accounting. Not really sure how accurate that is, though. 🙂

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I get along really well with everyone here…and that's valuable to me. It's going to be hard to leave. I'm not good about making “pay me” decisions, but I have to start getting better at that. I'm a great advocate for everyone except myself.

    There are other things…I can wear a t-shirt/sandals to work. It's informal. I can put some music on, and have a cool Zevon poster hanging. I can be me. I can't do that in a larger firm, and that has value too.

    At the end of the day…Adam is right.

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