Passed the Exam, received CPA License…Not qualified for entry level staff?!? - Page 2

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  • #199122

    I’m posting this in case anyone is experiencing a similar situation or can offer some guidance on how to proceed. Thank you in advance.

    I recently passed the CPA exam (Late June 2015) and received my CPA license a week later. I have B.S. degrees in Finance & Accounting. I have been actively searching for a Public Accounting position since August and have discovered just how little I know about the Accounting job market.

    I have 14 months of experience doing Internal Audit for a State Agency. This position qualified for the one-year work experience required for the CPA license. I left this position in order to focus on the CPA exam. I now have over 2 years of experience as a Full-Charge bookkeeper for a small business. This has been a part time job that I took on while I studied and passed the CPA exam over the course of 12 months.

    I also have 4+ years of IT support/training experience working for a software company straight out of college. I left to go back to college to pursue Accounting, because that is where I felt my talents would be better suited.

    For the past 4 months I have been actively searching for an Entry Level accounting position that will allow me to begin my new career. The positions I’ve been pursuing require a B.S. Degree in Accounting and prefer either a CPA License or the ability to sit for the CPA exam, and Excel skills. (pretty standard entry level requirements). Apparently though, because I didn’t do my 1 year of work experience in Public/Private Accounting, I don’t even qualify for a staff accountant position, because you need to have 1-3 years of experience in Public Accounting to be a staff accountant at most small/medium sized CPA firms and Private corporations.

    With all this being said, I did receive a job offer to do…you guessed it… Internal IT Audit for a State Agency! I went to a couple of interviews and got the job within a week! I was excited and surprised at how easy I got the job, but after I thought about it for 3 days I turned the offer down. Even though the people and the pay were good, I didn’t feel it was going to help me get into Public Accounting and was just more of the same experience I already have.

    My family and friends aren’t helping, because as they say, “you have a CPA license, anyone should want to hire you, you just aren’t trying.” I forgive them though, since they don’t know what CPA life is like.

    Now, don’t take this like I’m trying to brag, just trying to paint a picture…I interview fairly well. Every job I’ve ever interviewed for I’ve gotten. Now, albeit that’s only 5 jobs since I was 18, but I’m 5 for 5. I only apply to jobs that I qualify for. I apply to jobs that don’t have 100+ resumes submitted, because the smaller the applicant pool, the better my chances are. This is what I’ve always done and it has worked out for me up to this point in time. Interviews are not my problem. Currently trying to get an Interview is.

    If anyone can shed some light I’d appreciate it, because I’m confused as to how to get into public accounting. Do I need to go to a campus job fair and compete with the 22 yr olds?

    FAR - 75 (Q3/2014)
    AUD - 70 (Q4/2014), 73 (Q1/2015), 78 (Q2/2015)
    REG - 75 (Q1/2015)
    BEC - 77 (Q2/2015)

    DONE!! 6/11/2015
    CPA Licensed 6/19/2015 (FL)

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  • #752575

    It can be hard when you are trying to relocate. I lost out on a job because the hiring manager did not want to take the hit of my relocation expenses on his bottom line. I even offered to pay for my own move, however, relocation was part of the company's package. My friend worked there and everyone that had interviewed me wanted to hire me but it came down to the manager and I guess he cared more about keeping expenses down. After that I changed my address on my resume and listed my mother in law's. I had 2 more interviews and tried to get them on either a Monday or a Friday.

    Just keep working at it and you will get something.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    I think that you should have taken the job offer. You could have continued to search for a public accounting while working that job. Hopefully the next offer will be as easy that one but keep us posted.

    Far: 76 (Wiley Test Bank)
    Aud: 77 (Wiley Test Bank)
    Reg: 61, 76 (Wiley book, Wiley Test Bank)
    Bec: 86 (Wiley Test Bank)

    MBA in progress

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