Part-time side job aside from main auditing career

  • Creator
  • #1615011
    Substantive Testing

    I have a couple of questions regarding side jobs that an auditor can do. I was wondering if it is possible for an auditor to perform part-time bookkeeping services for a non-client but that operates on the same industry that I audit?
    Also, is it possible for me to get into a part time tax service job knowing that my firm also perform tax returns/forms? I am afraid this could be a conflict of interest and affect my license.
    If I were to look for another CPA firm and I do not disclose my part-time jobs on the resume or forms, can potential employers do full check of my employment history and find out of my side jobs?
    I do not want to sacrifice my audit career, but I want to make extra money before making it to manager at my firm, and senior auditor salary does nothing else but to pay the bills.

    Thank you,

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  • Author
  • #1615130

    Money aside, why do you want to do this? Maybe your bills being too high is the problem. Try making cuts in your budget and then reassess.

    Passed all 4 parts of the CPA exam!
    License application in progress

    Substantive Testing

    Aside from money, I feel like I could learn something new. I have never done accounting nor taxes, so I believe it could be good exposure, but I really dont want to give up on my audit career just yet.

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