On applications where it asks if you have any other professional certifications

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  • #1504717

    There is usually a dropdown for various recognized professional licenses, etc.

    But would you add something like licensed pilot? Diamond/gemologist certified? Certified mechanic?

    I’m sure it is to consider not only how much drive and ambition you have, but also to match you up with an industry and clients you would be interested in. Correct me if I’m wrong?


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  • #1505313
    Mike J

    I would just include certifications that you believe are: (1) relevant to the position you're applying to AND (2) paint you in a good light.

    Granted, I am in no way an expert. Truth be told, I'm attempting a career change from paralegal/journalism to Accounting. So I feel like I'm somewhat shooting in the dark. I may solicit advice with more detail in another post. Apologies in advance haha but I digress.

    This is all to say, you want to be careful what you emphasize BECAUSE you don't want dept Managers and/or HR folk to focus too much on miscellaneous. In other words keep them from asking why don't you want to pursue being a mechanic? Will you want to change careers again in a short while after we hire you?

    Good luck!

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