No Experience

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  • #2026754

    Is there any jobs out there for an M.S. in Accounting to land a job with no intern or experience? If there is not any, what job should I start off in order to gain the experience or foot in the company?

    I have been putting off job hunting after I graduated in Fall 2017 because I wanted to solely focus on studying for the CPA. However, I feel that I am taking way too long and the longer it takes me, the more it will look bad on me when I try to get a job. I do still plan on studying for the CPA while working Full Time. Any good tips on what I can do at this point?

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  • Author
  • #2026799

    Unless your GPA was a little on the lower side, you shouldn't have too many issues having an M.S. in accounting and pursuing your CPA. If it is on the lower side, it may be wise to apply for a busy season internship to get some experience/possibly a full-time offer.

    I haven't changed my resume since graduating, so I don't know if they still look for your GPA, but since you don't have any experience I am expecting that they will be looking for something to base you off of.


    Hey @James, Yes, I have also included my GPA of a 3.7 in Graduate

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