Need some career advice :(

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  • #1674206

    Hi – I need some career advice from someone. I hate my job. Just a little background – I am a stay at home mom aged 41 of 4 kids under the age of 10. I have a chemical engineering undergrad degree and an MBA. Fast forward, I ended up staying home with my kids for 10 years and during this time I had the bright idea to become a cpa to work for myself. I am not looking to make partner, or become a senior person or anything like that. I only wanted a job I could work part time (except tax season)that was professional and I could make some money at. Took the accounting classes online needed for the cpa exam and just passed the exam in 8 months and am waiting to get my license. Just started my first accounting job ever. Its a very small public accounting firm and I wanted something family friendly since I really don’t need to work – we have been living off my husbands salary for 10 years now. I only work 15 hours a week and I only make $20 an hour. After childcare for my 3 year old twins I am making like $150 per month. So, nothing. I hate my job. I have no idea what I am doing and there is very little training. The partner who I work under gives me these vague difficult assignments with very little direction. I feel like I am terrible at this and made a huge mistake trying to get into this field. I was thinking I’d stick it out until after tax season then reevaluate – any advice for me? I don’t really know what I asking only is this normal to suck at this at first? Does this sound like a normal first job experience? Just struggling here I guess.

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  • #1674208

    Considering your situation, I would just prepare friends and family 1040s and if your good, you’ll start getting referrals. No need for childcare since you can work from home. Additionally, there are remote accounting firms now, so you could work from home.


    Once you get your license, you can work from home all you want! Just wait for that license! You seem like you are a very capable individual.


    Get your license. I graduated with an accounting degree in 1994 and fooled around until three years ago and realized that life would have been much simpler if I had those three letters after my name. As a result, I went back to college and acquired a masters degree and am in the midst of taking the exam. After I pass, if I decide to buy a small firm that I can run out of my home, I can. However, if I decide to continue to work for another CPA firm or find a position with a company, I can, I have many more options with the letters, than without them. As for the difficulty of the work, the first year is always the hardest. By time you get through tax season you will feel much better. I remember feeling the same as you when I first started and by the time the second tax season came around I was wondering why I thought it was so difficult. After tax season, if you still hate your job, you might want to take your time and start looking for another firm that needs a part-time worker.

    Good luck.


    Thanks y'all. Feeling a little better about things. Just need to figure out how my next moves 🙂


    I felt like that when I started my job. I worked in the legal field for about 8 years, but hated my job as a legal secretary so I kept going back to school and eventually decided to get my MBA and go into accounting. I was lucky and scored a job at an extremely small CPA firm. Like, I was the first full-time employee besides the two partners that started it. I felt like I was kind of thrown to the wolves on some stuff. They would give me something to do, and I didn't know how to do it. Google became my best friend, along with a lot of questions and time in my boss' office. I promise, you will get there on the learning. I've come so far in the last 3 years and have basically trained the other two employees that have come on since me. One was a former teacher, and she does payrolls and bookkeeping, but she is smart and wants to learn this stuff so she asks more in-depth questions. The other girl was an intern and just graduated with her bachelors in accounting and is working on her masters. She is in my office all the time with questions. It feels nice to be able to help them and the newest one makes me feel so good about where I started because she asks a lot of the same things I used to. At least you've passed the exam. That's an amazing accomplishment!

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    I am brand new in my tax job in a small firm. I love it so far and have great bosses and coworkers, but really feel lost as far as learning things and becoming proficient. I'm looking forward to tax season as I learn well through repetition and haven't had the chance to do many returns yet. I also have hopes of working from home someday, especially when I have kiddos, but I know I need the experience and training from the experts first. I'd encourage you to stick it out through tax season! 🙂 Also congrats on becoming a CPA!


    This is typically a slow time of year for small firms.
    I'd suggest you stick it out through tax season to get some hands on tax experience.
    After your first tax season, and you receive your license, then you should consider if a home office and advertising/referrals is the way to go for your situation.

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