Need Some Advice! Please Help ME!!! - Page 2

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  • #182139

    Hey There!

    I am new to Another71 and am seeking some advice. I just recently graduated from a not so well known university in Virginia (Radford) with an accounting degree back in May 2013. Now, almost 5 months later, no accounting job whatsoever just being a waitress πŸ™ . I believe part of the reason is that I had a less than stellar GPA in undergrad had a 2.63 GPA overall and my in major was 2.6 as well. I worked a lot in school in order to pay for school, I was active in my sorority as VP, tour guide for the university, operations assistant for the student center in addition to my offsite job as well. Enough about that! I am really considering going to grad school and get a Masters degree. My mom said that I should just go ahead and get the CPA and see what happens. But I do have my 150 credit hours, and I think this may be useless. So I am in a state of confusion. Is it easier to get a job with the CPA? What kind of jobs am I qualified for with just a bachelors in accounting with no cpa license? Should I get an MBA? Are the Wiley Review books good enough to study for CPA? (Have no money really and this is cheaper). What are your guys experiences and recommendations?

    Sorry, I ask a lot of questions πŸ™‚

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  • Author
  • #478992

    I agree with @jgh1204 … Network like a boss. I know a few people who didn't do well in school but they attended a few of the state society conferences and banquets and easily made connections and got a job and they even have other cpa's at the conference offering them jobs as well. So yeah networking is critical

    AUD- FEB 2014
    BEC- APR 2014
    FAR- MAY 2014
    REG- AUG 2014

    Using Wiley CPA Exam Review and Ninja Notes
    May the "Force" be with me!

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