Need career advice and guidance

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  • #1756282

    I’m an audit senior with no CPA or big 4 experience and 5 years under my belt.I’m not feeling completely satisfied with my firm because I don’t feel like my work is recognized, and I feel like audit is kind of pointless in terms of value to society. I don’t even know if I want to go to another CPA firm, or if I want to do audit forever. I don’t hate audit, but I don’t love it. Is that the definition of a job though? I know that if I don’t leave now, my options in private are going to shrink. Should I stay or should I go (and where?)

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  • #1756393

    If you don't enjoy what you're doing now it's probably best to make the transition to private and come in as a Senior Accountant or Accounting Manager depending on where you go. The transition would be easiest for industries you've already audited. Is there a reason you've stuck around for 5 years if you don't like it?


    I've stuck around because I make decent money and have great benefits. I don't hate it, so sometimes I wonder if it's just the mundane aspects of being employed in general that i'm not satisfied with


    I've known a guy in public acct without his license for 15+ years because of the pay and vacation time. He left and didn't love the new gig. But I know others who've left after ~3 yrs in public and they love all the accounting work they're doing in private opposed to mainly audit only

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