need career advice

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  • #172885

    I am fresh out of college and my plan is to complete all 4 CPA exams by the end of the year. Currently I have been applying for accounting positions with not much luck, since most accounting jobs require experience. My ultimate goal is to work for a mid tier accounting firm but it appears that once you are out of college, the only way to get hired is at the experienced level. Does this mean that I will have to work at a local CPA firm for 1+ years to gain enough experience? Its been rough since graduating and hearing the parents complain about not having a career. However, they are happy that I am working hard to pass the exams. They just think that the exams can wait and finding a job would be better. Any input would be great. I would love to hear all of your journeys.

    CPA - Class of 2013
    CIA - Class of 2016

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  • #361371

    Keep working hard at the exams and this fall attend your school career fair, show them that you are actively preparing for the exam and ready to work full time. It is your best way in. good luck


    I had that in mind but the only thing is that I live pretty far from where I went to school. I could possibly make a day trip out of it though.

    CPA - Class of 2013
    CIA - Class of 2016


    Most decent firms recruit entry level hires directly from campus. It is your best shot for an interview and landing a position. It would only make it harder for yourself if you dont attend the fair. Print plenty of resumes, be friendly, and make sure they know why you're better than the others


    Most decent firms will also snatch you up if you passed all four parts of the CPA. Dealing with your parents might be rough but taking time off from looking for a job and focusing on the exams, will pay dividends in the end…..


    Would you guys recommend working as an internal auditor for a company? Would this give me the 1 year experience needed for the CPA? Trying to see what my other options are.

    CPA - Class of 2013
    CIA - Class of 2016


    It might give you the experience you need, you'll have to check with your state board to be sure what qualifies as experience.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    right now is slow time for the accounting firms. Most of the firms start hiring in Oct for the busy season and usually they hire entry levels out of the college, so go check with your school career center and sign up for career fairs or things like that

    CPA CLASS OF 2012!


    Licensing in progress~


    Tip for Career Fair–

    Utilize the business cards the recruiter give you to jot down notes about what you talked about with each specific recruiter. I.E. If the recruiter went XYZ school etc. Utilize these notes to write thank you emails the second you get home from the career fair. The recruiters will either get them right away via or get them first thing in the morning. It will impress them. Worked for me to get interviews and I was a very non traditional student with a mediocre GPA.

    FAR: 81
    REG: 85
    AUD: 73,71,83
    BEC: 82



    Internal audit may or may not fulfill your experience requirement, but it is a good resume builder.


    It depends on the state. TX accepts IA work I believe.


    I reside in California. I was trying to find info on the web regarding what qualifies but I couldnt find anything. Can someone point me in the right direction?

    CPA - Class of 2013
    CIA - Class of 2016


    “They just think that the exams can wait and finding a job would be better.”

    I concur, although realistically, you can do both study and look for a job at the same time.

    Did you not apply for jobs when you were on campus?

    If I were you, I'd make the day trip to the career fair, & be sure to stay a couple days after also, as often times recruiters will have interviews the next day. Don't be picky – apply for everything. You can use whatever you get as a stepping stone for after you pass your exams later (you may even like it!). Better to have a professional job when you eventually pass the CPA exams (even if it is non-accounting related) than nothing.

    Don't tell them that you want to work in public accounting (unless it's a public accounting recruiter). Don't be picky with job title/industy/location. Make the recruiter think that your really interested in their job/company and wish to live and work in their city long-term.

    “Does this mean that I will have to work at a local CPA firm for 1+ years to gain enough experience?”

    Is this such a bad thing? Isn't this what you want?

    Also, realize, that many jobs get posted on your schools job search system ( in my experience, accounting firms don't even go to career fairs nowadays). If you have access still, definitely apply for jobs there, and then make the trip out for on-campus interviews…

    Don't bring attention to the fact that you are not a current student & are currently unemployed. If they notice it on your resume, then tell them your story of taking the summer to pass the CPA exams – but not before.

    REG - Passed!!
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    Study Materials: Becker basic course

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