Leaving job advice

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  • #2184946

    Hi everyone. I have been at my new job for about a month now. Although the owners are super nice I know this is definitely not a fit for me. The level and type of work are just totally different than expected and I have been looking for a new job almost right away. I did receive an offer for a job at a bigger firm that seems to be an excellent fit. The pay is less but the benefits are way better. So net pay wouldn’t be that much different because the benefits at my current firm are not great with very expensive health insurance. Would it be stupid to leave for less money? I don’t want to burn bridges leaving a firm so quickly. My resume otherwise is solid with long tenures at my previous firms. I just know the fit isn’t right here. Thanks !

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  • Author
  • #2184973
    Hank Scorpio

    You could counter the offer and ask for more money. Tell them that is less than you are currently making.

    FAR - 10/3/16
    BEC - 69 - 10/31/16
    AUD - November 2016
    REG - December 2016


    I would leave. Give them two weeks notice (they should let you go right away, but it's customary for them to still pay you for those two weeks). Since you were only there for a such a short time you may not have to list it on your resume in the future.

    As far as asking the other firm for more money: I would agree with doing this, but you have to do what you're comfortable doing. It is worth at least asking for a raise.


    I am old school. Give them two weeks notice. Also, you most likely would not want to include that job on your resume. But you need to find a place and stick to it for a couple of years. I opt for being happy over money. The best is getting big four experience. Nothing else compares down the road. Trust me, I have 30 years experience. CPA/CGMA.

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