Job search is quite frustrating :( - Page 2

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  • #172147

    I’m not a “traditional” job candidate who studied accounting as an undergrad and went through campus recruiting. I graduated from a good school with an Economics degree a year ago, and now pursuing an accounting certificate at another great university’s extensions, so I don’t qualify as a campus recruit. I have a corporate accounting internship right now but I am looking to get a full time job in public accounting before this year ends, to avoid having to take more classes after the 2014 change. Welllll, recruiters don’t call back after I leave voice mails, they don’t response to emails, I have been going to networking events but there is no guarantee in anything, and the time is ticking. I plan to persistently reach out to companies but man, with classes, CPA review and internship, I am feeling a bit frustrated.

    For those who’s looking to get the 1-year experience before 2014, how are you reaching out to companies to ask for immediate openings? I have sent hard copies and emailed them my resume and cover letter so far. Also, can someone kindly look over my cover letter if you got some time left? 🙂

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  • #353693

    I can't blame you, its a big class. I should put up a pic soon. Not so sure how taking one class+work+reviewing would turn out. Jeff's ELL plan seems very effective for my schedule. Been taking at least 2 classes per quarter since early last year, its tough after a full day at the office. Let me know how Becker live classes go, my friend did that and it worked out well for her. She scored an 89 on REG on her first try!

    Becker 2012, NINJA notes


    Your schedule sounds like a full-full-fullll-time gig, GOOD LUCK! I know a guy who just used the Wiley book for REG and passed the part. Major props to him!! And I know, I like Jeff's suggestion 🙂 I am definitely trying that!

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