Job hunt advice and encouragement needed pleaseeee - Page 2

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  • #169696

    OK i’m going to make this as short as possible since thinking and writing about this experience will only make me mad haha.

    -I graduated with a bachelors degree in accounting from a consistently high ranked college with a 3.33 gpa 3.45 in accounting.

    -I have about 3 years (mostly part-time work since I was in school) of accounting and finance experience.

    -I am graduating with my MBA in May, concentration in Finance GPA of 3.83

    -I had an internship with a local firm doing some tax and administrative work during busy season.

    -I passed the CPA exam a couple months ago.

    -Involved with Accounting Club

    I have applied to 11 different CPA firms, 3 of the big 4 no PWC, and numerous ads on Craigslist/Indeed. I have actually applied to a few firms more than once.

    To make it worse I also keep seeing Deloitte recruit for entry level tax and audit positions (I’ve applied three times once through an inside contract) and have heard nothing. It’s like getting punched in the nuts every time they relist the position haha.

    With that said I have gotten absolutely nowhere…not even an interview!!!

    Any advice on why I am getting nowhere fast would be greatly appreciated!!!

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  • #341608

    We have a really good resume packet that we give to business students but it isn't online. At the end of the packet it has all of those action verbs.

    BEC - Feb 2012: 80
    AUD - Feb 2012: 84
    FAR - Apr 2012: 78
    REG - May 2012: 90

    Thanks Becker!


    @texas27 Thanks! I had considered moving out the coursework and throwing in an AP position I had for a summer but wasn't sure. As for sending my resume to the actual recruiters I have been down that road, many of them were rather nice and sent me a prompt reply rather than just ignoring me which was nice. Maybe it is time to send them another email.


    @808CDR… yea like I said earlier, this isn't the best time for recruiting. The heaviest recruiting is done from August-November and then it picks up again in January and ends at the beginning of March. Although you may find some positions at smaller firms, many large firms stick with those recruiting times for almost all entry level positions.

    BEC - Feb 2012: 80
    AUD - Feb 2012: 84
    FAR - Apr 2012: 78
    REG - May 2012: 90

    Thanks Becker!


    Thanks for the info that is definitely good to know . I was told by one firm that they hire 18 months in advance, this was in October when I was applying heavily…I was pretty much thinking fml ill be homeless by then!!!


    Try to expand the scope of your search. Gov't is hiring aand you'll be making $75k+ in 2-3 years with your credentials.

    I was in the same boat when I finished school and it took me over a year to land my accounting job but I love it.


    @dtomasello Yes!!! I apply to every position that comes up on the government job board as well as the military positions since we have a large military presence here. From the sound of it sounds like a civilian position would be awesome. I did get an email last night from an auditor position I applied for about 4 months ago, it was a notice of results saying I was eligible for the position which seemed a little silly as it was so long ago


    The government is slow with the hiring process. Very normal for the whole process to take a year.

    Definitely take out the list of courses. Make sure your resume is only one page. I think your job descriptions can use some more meat. What did you learn from it? How did it help you grow? Make sure the font you're using is clear, easy to read, and not too small. Arial font 11-12 is a good choice.

    B 2/12 87
    A 11/11 90
    R 8/11 86
    F 5/12 88


    Can you get a government job if you've done any drugs within the last year or so?

    I looked up info. on the DCAA. I interviewed with them since they were hiring a lot of entry-level but at the time I couldn't piss clean for my life. Actually, I still can't piss clean but I know the government process generally takes a year or so.. so I should be okay by then.

    Does anyone know if they do a polygraph test?

    BEC: 66 | 69 | 7/23/2013
    AUD: 8/28/2013


    Uh lol it's not like you're interviewing for the FBI. One of my coworkers left for DCAA. He didn't mention one…

    B 2/12 87
    A 11/11 90
    R 8/11 86
    F 5/12 88


    @Roach: Yes, depending on which auditor position you apply for in DCAA, it will require a polygraph test if you have to hold a high level security clearance…


    @misanth @dtomas

    Dangit, I don't like the sound of that… the tester might give me a ‘you got some splainin to do lucy' if they ask about drugs or criminal past. Is being honest always the best route? I was taught to always lie and hope not to get caught… that's been my attitude since forever.

    But generally entry-level apps don't hold much high level security I'm thinking. Thanks.

    BEC: 66 | 69 | 7/23/2013
    AUD: 8/28/2013


    It depends on what office your apply to. Some areas require a security clearance, even for entry level applicants, to work in and some don't. No matter where you end up working they're still going to drug test regardless.

    Side note: You seem like an alright dude so I hope this is just some act your putting on cause you can't possibly be for real with this, “I was taught to always lie” and “I couldn't piss test clean for my life” nonsense. You still have to be able to pass a drug test regardless where you apply to and if you can't then I'm not sure why you would even waste your time pursuing an accounting career. Who the hell would want, according to you, a self-admitted dishonest, pothead potentially responsible to account for millions of dollars?


    This seems like a good thread to jump onto. I have no public accounting experience (the only even somewhat accounting related experience I have is working as an AR clerk in a small company 10 years ago), and I just graduated in December. I decided to get the CPA exam out of the way before I even start to look for a job. A couple of my friends got recruited out of undergrad, but I moved halfway across the country where I know no one professionally. How hard is it going to be for me to find a job? Is ‘small firm' experience good enough? Is there really that big a difference in experience/pay as opposed to a big firm?

    My ultimate goal is not CPA forever but to go back to school and get my masters in something not CPA related (health care admin.). But I obviously need the experience, if only just to get the license. My goal is 5-7 years in acctg. I figured I'd start sending out some resumes after I'd passed three parts, or should I just wait until I pass them all? Is it completely pointless to apply to a big firm having no experience and no connections? Obviously Big 4 is out from what was said above. Just curious if anyone has any advice.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    @keely I am in a very similar situation as you. What was said above is unfortunately true, the Big 4 recruit from universities for mostly all entry level positions. While in my Masters program, I got a second round interview with a Big 4 but screwed that up and ended up not getting an offer. I moved back home and without the resources of campus recruiting, the process of looking for an audit staff position has been a b*tch. What I'm doing now is just trying to get my name out there by emailing recruiters from firms through linkedin and trying to build relationships. I just started this process but I know it's going to be a long and grueling process. I'd say start with getting your name out there and emphasizing that you're interested in the firm and learning more about the office you're applying to.

    I would hope passing the exams would increase our chances, but you never know with the big 4 and other big firms.

    If anyone has any suggestions on what myself of @keely could do to better our chances, that would be awesome!

    AUD- 87
    FAR- 84
    BEC- 82
    REG- 69, 71, 70, 90


    what about local CPA, IIA, CMA meetings?

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