Is there any way to work part-time as a CPA?

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  • #162558

    like 20-30hrs/wk at most? I don’t care if I make peanuts (like 18-30k/yr). is it possible?

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  • #305789

    Yes. I used to do it. Contact all of your local CPA firms and tell them your availability. With year-end approaching, now is a great time to solicit this type of work.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA


    How exactly do you pull this off? Most jobs by default are full-time.


    Most jobs are indeed full-time, but not all are. You only need one.

    I found mine through an ad on the job board at the community college I once attended. That was long ago.

    You have a few different options:

    1. Do a Google search for local CPA firms and then go onto their websites, obtain their contact info, and email your resume to them along with a nice cover letter. You could get more aggressive and call them.

    2. Check Craigslist daily for part-time opportunities.

    3. Check out the job boards at your local community colleges or universities.

    4. Check

    5. Check out the job listings in your local newspaper.

    6. If you're still in school or recently out, contact the school's career counselor.

    That's all that's coming to mind now, but if I think of anything else, I'll post it.

    Good luck!

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA


    One more…

    Call every temp agency in your area and bug the crap out of them. From my experience, they are terrible about returning phone calls, so you might need to get a bit aggressive with this. If you can, set up face-to-face meetings with the recruiters because I think that the personal connection you'll establish that way will work to your advantage.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA

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