Is anyone here taking the CPA exam because they're trapped into it?

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  • #160875

    The reason I ask this question is because I’ve always heard that in Accounting, you’re not going to be successful in your career without that CPA certification. Employers will question you on why you never took and passed the exam and thus, will not want to hire you for a high position. As much as I like Accounting, I hate that I have to deal with this crazy exam. I was hoping to graduate from college, get an entry-level job, and move up gradually with time and experience. A lot of fields are like that, but unfortunately, Accounting is not one of them.

    If it were totally up to me, I wouldn’t bother with this exam. But if I don’t take it, I won’t make more than $35k in this kind of economy and here in NYC, it’s hard to live off that. Apparently, my Master’s degree doesn’t mean a thing to employers today. So, I’m stuck and am practically forced to take this exam.

    Anyone taking this exam for the same reason?

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  • #290107

    CPA man i am kinda in the same boat but i have come to love the admiration for taking it and passing it so far. this is my story i graduated in 2009 and couldnt find an accounting job to save my life. I attempted aviation school and really realized accounting is my talent so in short i went back to school for the master and starting taking the CPA.

    and i live in NYC too. that 30,000-40,000 wage bracket wont allow me a decent life


    I guess one good thing about this is when we pass all 4 parts, it will feel like such a magnificent accomplishment because it's not something everybody can do. But the studying process is very painful. I mean, I do enjoy learning this stuff as I study, but it's just unbelievably stressful.


    I agree 100% CPA Man!!!

    Started sitting in May 2002, on and off. But since 2008 I've been nonstop and my scores are....
    AUD - 39, 48, 56, 65, 68, 73, 76!!! (Finally passed in Oct 2011!!!) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    REG - 75 (Lost Credit) 72, 68, 73, 75 (Passed again in Aug 2011) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    FAR - 65, 68, 75 (Lost Credit) 68, 73, 73, 80 (Passed again in May 2012) Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    BEC - 65, 68, 71, 72, 72, 71, 76 (Lost Credit)- 70, 76!!!! I AM DONE!!! - Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    After 10 long years of studying, I AM DONE!!!! Finally a Licensed CPA in the State of New York!!


    While the exams aren't equivalent in difficulty, nearly every licensed profession requires testing of some sort for the purpose of ensuring that people can't be licensed without proof that they meet acceptable knowledge standards. Yes, the CPA exam is far from perfect – some of the questions (you hear me, REG?) are ridiculous and some people who are very good at their jobs struggle to pass while others who are terrible accountants but great test takers do pass. However, without any sort of testing, any hack with minimal or no accounting knowledge could claim to be a CPA thus diminishing the value of the profession. From the day I began working on my degree, I knew that the exam was a requirement for getting my license, and I knew that having my license was essential if I wanted to have some flexibility in my career choices. I just always thought of it as my practical equivalent of a master's thesis.

    Some people might look at my signature and think “oh, well she did it so quickly, she doesn't have a clue how tough it can be”. I was able to do it so quickly because I did almost nothing but study for 4 months. I'd set myself the goal of taking the exams by the end of the second test window (you can see my other posts for the reasons why). I fully expected to fail at least one exam and spend a few more months completing the process, but I was committed to achieving my goal of taking them all by the end of May. While I didn't enjoy all the topics (B-law, corporate governance, IT leap to mind), preparing for the exam reminded me of how much I enjoy accounting and how much I want to practice this profession. Passing the exam has given me a huge feeling of accomplishment and boost of confidence. Now, I'm just waiting to share that feeling with my fellow test takers from another71.

    FAR 4/1/11 - 89
    AUD 4/15/11 - 85
    REG 4/29/11 - 80
    BEC 5/13/11 - 85


    Wow, I can't believe wages are that low in NYC. Here in Houston, entry level is around $45 to 50k, and the cost of living is much lower.

    However, it is also difficult here to advance above accounting manager level without a CPA. I was lucky and was promoted within, but I'm not sure that I could have made the lateral move that I made without 3 parts passed (I passed the last one during the interview process).

    And yes, I am fairly resentful of it. I can't imagine that I will ever have a career in public accounting.I feel like I have proved myself in industry with my experience and judgment – not with my mastery of college-level accounting material, which I feel like I already proved with my accounting degree.

    BEC - 10/18/2010 - 79
    FAR - 10/28/2010 - 82
    AUD - 11/04/2010 - 73; 02/18/2011 - 86 - IT'S OVER!!!!!!
    REG - 11/21/2010 - 83


    I am resentful as well. Although I only just graduated from college and am going into my first full-time accounting position, I hate this exam. It makes me think about how easy I would have had it if I had just stuck with the management major…I don't see those people spending all of their time studying for an exam that they will probably fail the first time and have to subsequently spend thousands of dollars to re-register for.

    FAR 07/27/11 - 87
    AUD 10/01/11 - 85
    BEC 11/15/11 - 87
    REG 01/03/12 - 92


    this too shall pass. Eventually we'll all become cpas, make a very good wage, and the trouble we are going through now will become a distant memory.


    I am not resentful. However, I agree. I work in the healthcare industry. For those who do not know healthcare is booming in our profession. Please look at HFMA. Any who, to be considered for the controller and director positions a CPA is beneficial. I do want to get my CHFP but that will have to wait. Yes, this exam is starting to affect me, in the worse way, but you gotta do what you gotta.

    @khachik2003- I agree. All things come to pass and before we know it these rants will become a distant memory. Heck, we will find something new to rant about. lol

    Onward my fellow candies, Onward!

    I cant wait for this to be over.
    BEC-11/27/11-Failed(UGH)Back to the drawing board
    FAR- Aug 2012


    @tulip- They are not that low, but because the economy is so bad, getting $40-50k jobs is EXTREMELY difficult without passing the exam now. Accounting firms are not even hiring a lot of people due to all the clients they lost. It's really bad! So, in order to stand out and impress employers to hire you, you need to pass this exam.


    Thanks to undesirable economic conditions, employers can be quite particular about who they hire. In the past, a CPA generally wasn't required for corporate accounting positions at privately held companies, for example, but now it often is. But for the fact that employers demand it, there's no reason many accounting positions should require a CPA.

    Also, in my opinion, having a CPA license is in no way an indication of one's ability to perform in an accounting role. I've worked with plenty of CPAs who are morons and can't perform a simple bank rec. But anyone who goes through his or her accounting career without having a CPA will likely be subject to a certain amount of disrespect from those who have their license. It is what it is. I've encountered such disrespect throughout my career (I'm in my late 30s) despite the fact that I've never worked in public accounting nor had the desire to.

    So I'm taking this monster partly because I want to improve my job prospects in the event I need to change jobs and because I'm tired of the disrespect I encounter.

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA


    Yes, I've been fortunate and promoted within my company to Controller, but I know I need those 3 initials on my resume. I'm also under the gun in PA because I have to be grandfathered in with a passing part this year or effective Jan 1, 2012 we need the 150 hours to sit for the exam (like most other states). I've passed BEC already, but I've got to worry about the 18 month rule.

    I'm tired, stressed, and in disbelief about how hard this can be. The information itself is fine. I even feel I know it. But a national pass rate of 42% and passing all parts in 18 months while trying maintain some balance is just exhausting if not impossible.

    And I have no auditing hours to date, so once I pass all 4 parts I still have to worry about that. All this for NEVER wanting to be a CPA. I love corporate. With the added bonus of my my family and friends not understanding what I'm going thru.

    Thanks for listening.

    B - Passed 10/10
    A - (4/12 with 18 months expiring...fingers crossed!)
    R - Passed 02/12
    F - Passed 08/11


    yes gotta finish what i started almost 3 years ago….



    I try telling myself…”You've taken so many tests while you were at school. Now, just pass 4 more tests and your life will be free!!!” But it sounds easier than it is. These have got to be the hardest and most stressful exams I have ever taken in my life!!

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