Is a CPA worth it IF…

  • Creator
  • #178318

    Hey everyone, I have a simple yet complicated question. For years I’ve known that I want to be a CPA, and my dad also thinks it’s a great idea as it opens a ton of more doors, but I don’t necessarily want to be in public accounting. I know I need my experience (I’m in NJ), but other than that, I want to get out of public ASAP and get into industry.

    My question is, is it worth it to obtain my CPA if I don’t plan on working in public, or will it actually be worthwhile for private jobs? What kind of jobs can I get with a CPA as opposed to just a regular accountant?

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  • #423517

    Start your research with

    REG- Waiting 7/1/13
    BEC- Waiting 7/23/13
    AUD- Studying 8/12/13
    FAR- Signed up 10/1/13
    Studying with CPAExcel and Wiley Test Bank.


    I was hoping for a slightly less snarky answer, but thanks. I've done my research, but I trust people on here who have been through it all before.


    I will be interested to see what replies you get as well. It is my assumption that it will also help to get jobs with private industries as well. I know when I was looking for a job most of the ones that I was interested in had a CPA preferred. What kind of work are you interested in doing?

    Restarting my journey!
    Using Rogers and supplementing with Ninja


    I'm kinda in the same boat as you because i do not plan to work in public nor am I working there now. But i think being a CPA is valuable for me because it carries more clout than just my undergrad. I'm hoping it takes me somewhere else and opens more doors for me as i progress in my career. I also would like to open my own tax practice and do some consulting (maybe later on in my career). I know being a CPA is required for most companies if you want to be an Assistant Controller or greater.

    For Example, i was looking for a side gig doing bookeeping or something and one company i talked to said, “Everything on your resume is what we are looking for but i just wish you were a CPA.” Now i'm sure i could have done the work, but that CPA designation carried more weight than my resume alone.


    never worked in public, never will. Got my CPA as an older candidate and it made a HUGE difference in the types of jobs people were willing to interview me for.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I'm in public, but have noticed that non-public companies have “CPA Preferred” on a lot of job postings. So yea, I think it's worth it.


    From many in the industry that I have spoken with, a CPA hold as much (if not more) water than an MBA from a non-target school. I don't know about you, but I know plenty of unemployed MBAs who have their degree granted from a middle tier state school yet I know very few unemployed CPAs with only an undergraduate degree.

    Go for the CPA, it will take 2-3 years of your life (depending on your study time and work experience) and it will provide you with a credential for the rest of your life. And as for costs, even if you purchase the best study material and fail a few tests you will have less than $5k invested; how much did your bachelors degree cost? 🙂


    Thanks everyone! I needed a little more reassurance that I'm not losing my mind for nothing.


    mla1169: why never will work in public?

    F: 54 (4/13) 60 (4/14) 67 (9/14) 66 (10/14) 63 (11/15) 79 (2/16) PASSED
    A: 60 (5/13) 80 (4/16) PASSED
    R: 60 (7/13) 61 (2/15) 70 (4/15) 77 (7/15) PASSED
    B: (6/16)


    College professors teaching accounting classes must be a CPA.



    It is certainly school dependent, but many schools do not require a CPA to teach an accounting class. From what I have seen is they put more weight into having a doctorate than a CPA. This may change though with a huge shortage of PhD's in this area. That being said, a CPA certainly helps.

    BEC : 07/28/2012 (89)
    FAR : 10/29/2012 (86)
    AUD : February 2013 (80)
    REG : 05/22/2013 (80)


    Think of public as super experience, generally speaking when starting at entry level, the career level and opportunities after x years of public accounting will exceed the career level and opportunities after x years in private–even more so if you cannot obtain a CPA without public experience in your state as some positions may require a CPA license and/or public experience.

    Further, I've seen plenty of clients with accounting staff who've been with a company forever, working under a manager who was hired from the outside with a CPA and Public Experience.

    I browse the job ads occasionally to remind myself what its all about, when I come across listings with things like “CPA Required” or “Big 4 Preferred” lol

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    CPA is definitely helpful outside a public accounting career. Go for it.

    Mayo, BBA, Macc

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