iPad 3 Giveaway TODAY 5pm EST – Details Here + New Prizes! - Page 36

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  • #171160

    I will be giving away an iPad 3 Thursday to someone in the forum. Here are the details:

    Who: 1 Randomly-selected winner.

    You don’t have to be a current candidate to enter – Alums are welcome too!

    The selection will be recorded through a screencast.

    Note – the winner will be double-checked to make sure they don’t have more than one forum account posting in the giveaway thread, so no shenanigans.

    What: iPad 3 – $499 model (winner will have the option to pay for any upgrades/features they want added)

    Why: iPads are awesome (I have an iPad 2 … hope I win!) 😉


    1. “Like” another71 on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/another71)

    2. In this thread, post a CPA Exam or Accounting Career tip (or both) that you think would benefit a College Senior or recent graduate. If you work for a Big 4 or Regional Accounting Firm, interview tips or anything making the process easier would be great.

    That’s it … Good Luck!


    New Prizes Added!

    – 5 Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Memberships (Online)

    – 5 Complete NINJA Audios

    – 5 Complete NINJA Notes

    – 1 30 Minute Muay Thai training session at Del Mar Beach (CA) in September (you have to get to Del Mar though) 🙂

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  • #345766

    The best advice for the exam is to just put summer on hold as soon as school ends. Just know that it's better to get the exam out of the way immediately, and then have a life. The last thing you want is this monster hanging over your head.

    As far as interviews go, just know that if you got an interview you already have the grades and experience required to get the offer. The most important thing that companies, Big 4 or otherwise, are wondering about you is, “can I work 12 hour days with this person, can I go to happy hour with this person, would I want to hang out with this person outside of work.” Be personal and friendly while still maintaining a professional demeanor and you will be fine. Best of luck to all!


    My study tip. I use the STING technique when studying

    S – Select one task.

    T – Time yourself.

    I – Ignore everything else.

    N – No breaks.

    G – Give yourself a reward.

    this technique keeps me focused and I don't burn out as easily from lectures and endless MCQ


    Exam Tip: Persevere, persever,persevere. Also endless mcqs


    I'm a recent graduate and I just passed FAR. Truth is, everyone has different styles for studying. What I will say is:

    1) Make sure you exercise while studying. I cycled three times weekly, kept me active and actually helped me in processing the material I was studying.

    2) Don't overstudy. My best friend studied 8-9 hours daily, I studied 4 or less, and took my weekends off.

    3) Take your time. If you feel you need 2 months to study, study for two months.

    4) Don't let yourself become miserable. Yes, it's hard and it's a lot of material, but there's so much you can digest in one day. Have fun, but don't overdo it.

    As for getting into a career, I must say the best thing to do is network and do good in your classes. I worked for a local CPA firm, Ernst & Young, PwC, Morgan Stanley, and did a special project sponsored by KPMG (ALPFA Case Competition) in 4.5 years of college. I don't say it as “bragging rights”, but just to tell you that no, you don't have to get a 4.0 GPA (I graduated with a little over 3.4, which is average for Big 4 firms). The key is to be social, to develop your critical thinking while in college, and take classes that don't have anything to do with business because it will help you become a well-rounded individual. Don't be a jerk and make sure that what you do doesn't make you any better than anyone else, instead, lend a helping hand to everyone around you and demostrate that they too can do it.

    Those are my “two cents”. Use them and no doubt in my mind that you're going to do great in everything you set yourself out to do!


    Don't Multitask. Focus. Be organized. Don't switch. Don't waste energy switching.

    “It turns out multitaskers are terrible at every aspect of multitasking… it seems like it's affecting things like ability to remember long term, ability to handle analytic reasoning, ability to switch properly, etc.” ~ Clifford Nass, professor at Stanford University

    FRONTLINE (PBS) Watch the full show here:


    ‎Interview Clifford Nass (article)



    I have been studying and taking the CPA exam for over two years…I have passed three of them in the past 6 months after a year and half of bad luck. I let a lot of bad things and bad people get in the way of my success; therefore, here are my tips:

    1) Do not let the CPA exam consume you…make sure you have a life as well

    2) Use more than one study aid: at first I only used Becker, BIG mistake. Now I am using Becker, Wiley, and NINJA notes

    3) Get negative people out of your life

    4) Your family and your friends are your biggest supporters so let them help you

    5) The most important thing…PRAY!!!!


    My advice is to sit as soon as possible for all the parts. Contact wait. I started taking them in august of 2010 and passed bec and financialthat in aug and nov. Then waited until the summer to take reg and auditing and didn't pass so I continued to take them and ended up missing both parts so take as close together as possible.

    Also do as many mc as possible they help a lot when u take the exam. And make sure to do practice exams before ur exam. And not just a couple of days before ur exam but like a week so u can st

    udy ir weak areas more.

    BEC: 80(8/10) expired, 77(10/14)!!!
    FAR: 79(11/10) expired, 80(8/14)!!!
    REG: 66(7/11), 70(1/12), 70(4/12), 73(10/13), 79(5/14)!!
    AUD: 43(8/11), 64(10/11), 65(2/12), 69(7/12) 64(10/12), 73(5/13), 64(7/13), 84(11/13)!!! Thank you Another71 for your help!

    Becker, Ninja Notes, Audio, Flashcard and Wiley test bank
    Yaeger and Wiley book for Audit

    I AM DONE!!!!


    Tip- Make sure to understand the concepts missed when doing multiple choice. It is very easy to just memorize answers after multiple attempts, but knowing the concepts will take you a lot further – even if it takes longer to do the questions.

    Also, I found that I learned a lot more of the theory by performing questions and learning concepts of my missed answers than I ever did from Lectures.


    CPA Exam Tip – Passing the exam is all about the commitment to studying. We are all very smart people or we would not even be eligible to sit for the exam. As long as put in the time, you will pass each section of the exam. Good Luck to all!


    Don't forget to spend time with your friends and family.

    Their support can help you weather the darkest times when the exam seems impossible.


    Exam Tip:

    When signing up for multiple exams at the same time, make sure you register the correct exam in which you have planned on taking. Additionally, make sure you review all exam appointment confirmation when you receive them 2 or 3 days before the actual date.

    Interview Tip:

    Its all about who you know so continuously contact recruiters and network with the professionals of a variety of firms to set yourself up for success.

    Overall, Study hard and be committed and the 75's will come your way.


    Hand write your notes. For specific details on how to write good notes, check out this post I wrote for Another 71:

    Taking Beautiful CPA Exam Notes

    Biggest one for me was to use blank spaces boldly.

    The other bit of advice I would give is budget for a “reschedule”. Schedule your test about 7 days before the end of testing period. Albeit it may be a longer drive, if you're diligent about checking prometric, almost guaranteed to be an opening when everyone reschedules 5 days before their test date. STUDY as if you're supposed to take it when originally scheduled, but the extra days will make a difference.

    Passed AUD, BEC & FAR. Lost credit for AUD & BEC once. Finally finished with REG as dessert. 15 times was the charm.

    AUD: 86
    FAR: 81
    BEC: 80
    REG: 76


    Exam tip:

    1. Know how you learn & do your research to pick the best study material for you! Don't pick Becker, Bisk, Kaplan or Yaegar just because it's cheaper, your employer is paying for it or your friends used it & were successful with it. You have to know how you study & learn- otherwise you will end up pay A LOT more for retakes & new materials.

    2. (This one took me a long time to learn) Go ahead, stop life for a little bit & study every chance you get. It sucks now but put the time in & make the time matter. Don't be distracted from anything while you studying.


    My best CPA advice for a recent graduate is to TAKE THE CPA EXAM AS SOON AS YOU GRADUATE. I graduated 4 years ago and am still trying to pass the exam. I can't tell you how much time, money, and sections I have lost due to life getting in the way. I am getting married this year and have hit another road block with studying. The CPA exam is a HUGE committment and I 100% regret not taking it the summer between graduating and starting a job @ a BIG 4. I'm still trying – so my next tip is don't give up!!!!


    CPA Exam Study Tips:

    Use all the NINJA study materials available; they have really given me the edge when combined with other materials. And they are very affordable.

    Stay focused! Whenever you feel yourself getting off track, give yourself a pep talk to re-focus. Find a few family members or friends who are really supportive and have them hold you accountable. They may get on your nerves and you may be annoyed at first but you will thank them later for getting your butt back in gear.

    Use long check out lines, drive time, waits during doctor visits, etc to study, keep flash cards or audio handy

    NEVER GIVE UP! You have to keep going to succeed. If you stop, you are guaranteed to fail. If you keep going, you will succeed, there is not a limit on how many times you can take the test so don't put a limit on your determination and dedication to conquer this thing.

    Career Advice:

    Find a career mentor. Someone who has already went before you and blazed a career path similar to the one you are trying to achieve.

    Apply, apply, and apply again. Cast a wide net and do not limit yourself.

    Never be afraid or intimidated. The more fearless you are the more apt you are to attract a great opportunity to you.

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