iPad 3 Giveaway TODAY 5pm EST – Details Here + New Prizes! - Page 29

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  • #171160

    I will be giving away an iPad 3 Thursday to someone in the forum. Here are the details:

    Who: 1 Randomly-selected winner.

    You don’t have to be a current candidate to enter – Alums are welcome too!

    The selection will be recorded through a screencast.

    Note – the winner will be double-checked to make sure they don’t have more than one forum account posting in the giveaway thread, so no shenanigans.

    What: iPad 3 – $499 model (winner will have the option to pay for any upgrades/features they want added)

    Why: iPads are awesome (I have an iPad 2 … hope I win!) 😉


    1. “Like” another71 on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/another71)

    2. In this thread, post a CPA Exam or Accounting Career tip (or both) that you think would benefit a College Senior or recent graduate. If you work for a Big 4 or Regional Accounting Firm, interview tips or anything making the process easier would be great.

    That’s it … Good Luck!


    New Prizes Added!

    – 5 Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Memberships (Online)

    – 5 Complete NINJA Audios

    – 5 Complete NINJA Notes

    – 1 30 Minute Muay Thai training session at Del Mar Beach (CA) in September (you have to get to Del Mar though) 🙂

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  • Author
  • #345661
    Happy A

    Exam tips:

    Take notes. Organize the material and links them for your better memory. Utilize NINJA flash cards and Becker final review and time is running out.

    Full-Time Studying.
    Using Becker.


    Stay away from MCQs on the day right before the exam, just read your notes to revise the material, so that on the day of the exam, you're not overly sick of looking at MCQs and aren't in a hurry to “get it done and over with”.


    Do not assume that something will not be on the exam because you are sure to see a lot of questions on it if you do…..


    Here are three main tips:

    1) Review basic concepts- It is very important to know the basic concepts of each of the review topics on the exam.

    2) Rework MCQ questions- As many as possible.

    3) No studying on test day. You need your brain fresh for the battle with the CPA exam.


    Follow the NINJA program and watch all lectures first before doing any MCQ. Sometimes the MCQs in a topic are easier to understand once you've gone through other sections. When you're going through the MCQs, write down formulas/notes to FULLY understand the material. Take your time to do the questions as well; the more time you take to fully grasp a concept, the easier it will be when trying to remember more information throughout the CPA course reviews.

    Also, it is equally important to have a balance in life. I was so stressed out and wore my body out through too much studying that it completely shut down on me and I became very ill, to the point I couldn't study! Health is #1, and although we all want to finish these exams as fast as we can, we can only do so much without our health so pace yourself.


    Big Four Interview Tip: Give them something to remember you by. Try to find something you have in common with the interviewer. Every candidate going in for the interview is great on paper, otherwise they wouldn't have gotten the interview. They're looking for people who are not only intelligent, but those who they'll be able to handle and enjoy working with 14 hours a day during busy season.


    Tip : First and foremost believe in yourself. You don't have to be overconfident but believe that nothing is impossible. U can do it. Jump into the lake, u will learn to swim.

    Secondly, take suggestions from as many people you want to, but do it in your way. Believe it or not it makes things easy. Everyone has their own way of achieving their goals.

    Lastly, if you believe in yourself and start with something, don't give up at any point. Push yourself till the end. This is the most difficult part. Many of us are unable to keep patience till the end. This is where you have to prove that you can do it, no matter what.

    Friends, I am just one of u and I have struggled a lot to follow these tips. Nobody can make any changes in our life, we have to do it. So, believe in yourself and half of your battle is won..

    Good Luck everyone!!!

    BEC – 79

    AUD – 76

    FAR – 1st July

    REG – 31 Aug


    DO NOT GIVE UP! Its a short term investment for the long term (your life)

    B- 75
    A- 81
    R- 81
    F- 79


    The CPA test is a number game. If you fail the first time, next just study harder and focuse on the parts that you are not sure about. Do a lot of MC. The more you do the better you will do.


    Exam tips:

    Make a study plan and stick to it

    Don't get overwhelmed with the amount of material

    Break your studying up into short periods and take breaks you can focus better. (I take a 15 minute break every hour or so) Study breaks give your eyes a chance to relax and also gives your brain a chance to absorb the information.

    Set daily study goals for yourself (Today I'll watch all the AUD ch 1 lectures and do 1 section of MC then tomorrow I'll finish the MC and do the sims)

    You can pass this test! Think of all the people you know that are CPAs and you'll realize that if they can pass it, you can too.


    – Buy the Wiley 4-pack. One chapter at a time, read the material until you completely understand it, and then do all the exercises. When you finish go back and redo all the exercises a couple more times, hitting hard the elements you didn't fully understand. Don't waste time with anything else. I migrated slowly towards this plan with each successive section and the scores I achieved were incrementally better every time.


    Big 4 guy here. Make the interview easy on the interviewer. In many situations the will be the first, or one of the first few times the interviewer has been on that side of the table. Have lots of questions ready, and maybe a few good stories that will make you memorable to the interviewer.


    Exam Tip: Study right after college or even during. Life just gets harder and more complex after!!


    KEEP YOUR HEAD UP AND DON'T STOP UNTIL YOUR GOAL IS REACHED!!! I started the exam in 2007 and passed BEC first. FAR then approached and I was still on my high from passing BEC and didn't study for FAR. I just had to sit for it without studying and obviously didn't pass. After this, I didn't study for another section until this year because i thought “well, maybe I just don't need to be a CPA”. I finally had a talk with some family members and I realized it is important to pass the exam and that i'd regret it forever if I did not. So far I've passed AUD and FAR with REG up next. I'm not stopping until this thing is done and you should not either!!!

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 78
    REG - 78
    BEC - 84

    Materials - Yaeger Home Study, Ninja Notes



    Take detailed notes and load them on a tablet, if possible. As you perform multiple MC questions, fine tune your digital notes.

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