iPad 3 Giveaway TODAY 5pm EST – Details Here + New Prizes!

  • Creator
  • #171160

    I will be giving away an iPad 3 Thursday to someone in the forum. Here are the details:

    Who: 1 Randomly-selected winner.

    You don’t have to be a current candidate to enter – Alums are welcome too!

    The selection will be recorded through a screencast.

    Note – the winner will be double-checked to make sure they don’t have more than one forum account posting in the giveaway thread, so no shenanigans.

    What: iPad 3 – $499 model (winner will have the option to pay for any upgrades/features they want added)

    Why: iPads are awesome (I have an iPad 2 … hope I win!) 😉


    1. “Like” another71 on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/another71)

    2. In this thread, post a CPA Exam or Accounting Career tip (or both) that you think would benefit a College Senior or recent graduate. If you work for a Big 4 or Regional Accounting Firm, interview tips or anything making the process easier would be great.

    That’s it … Good Luck!


    New Prizes Added!

    – 5 Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University Memberships (Online)

    – 5 Complete NINJA Audios

    – 5 Complete NINJA Notes

    – 1 30 Minute Muay Thai training session at Del Mar Beach (CA) in September (you have to get to Del Mar though) 🙂

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  • Author
  • #345241

    CPA Exam Tips:

    1) Practice as many MCQ as possible and DO NOT read the cpa books provided

    2) This test can be overcome its just a matter of effort. Put in the effort and see the results. If you're going to half a** it, dont waste your time or money because you WILL fail.

    3) Use Yaegar CPA review. They have a great team and between their videos and minimum mcq's they save you a lot of time.

    FAR 80
    REG 76
    AUD 85
    BEC 85
    Ethics 98


    Exam Tip: Keep pushing through. Even if the material seems like a mountain, take step you need to take today to help you conquer it! The more you work at it, the more the pieces will fall together. Make a plan and stick to it!!!

    AUD 4/12/12 79
    FAR 5/29/12 76
    REG 8/2/12 82
    BEC 8/30/12 72 Retake 10/18/12 76!!! DONE!!!!
    ExamMatrix, Wiley Books, NINJA notes and audio


    Don't study specifically for simulations or written communications. You will probably never get a sim or written communication like any of the practice ones you've done. Just know the layout/format so you'll be comfortable when you have to do them on the test. Instead study with lots of MCQs and know your material. Doing that will prepare you better.

    Also, I highly recommend Yaeger CPA review for Auditing.

    FAR - 80
    REG - 82
    AUD - 92
    BEC - 81
    Ethics - 100


    Study/time management tip: Check this out: https://www.pomodorotechnique.com/ All of the instructions (including a whole downloadable pdf booklet) and the worksheet are free! I'm starting to use it because I've been a total slacker the last week or so and I need something to get me back on track.

    Jeff does the iPad come loaded with all of the NINJA materials?

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    Tip – Try to learn the theory instead of focusing on only learning multiple choice answers. It will help you more in the long run!

    BEC: passed!
    FAR: passed!
    REG: passed!
    AUD: passed!


    Hey, My Login still works!

    CPA Tip: Burn through as many MCQ's as possible. Repetition is the key. If you get one wrong, know why it's wrong. If you get one right, know why the wrong one's are wrong.

    Big 4 tip: Be yourself, be yourself, be yourself. I see interns and first years who aren't the same person they were during the recruiting. They put on a facade because they believed that's what the recruiters and people wanted to see to get the job, and now they're in way over their head. Some people aren't cut out for the Big 4, and realizing that will make life a lot less complicated.

    AUD- 74, 81, BEC - 73,82, FAR-82, REG- 77, and DONE!


    Exam Tip- Prepare for the exam like it is your job and do it as soon as possible. Even if you don't meet the experience requirement it is still beneficial to pass the exam as soon as feasibly possible. And most importantly don't loose faith in yourself. If your desire is to be a CPA then but it in the time, energy, and dedication and you too can do it.

    FAR - 2/27/2015
    AUD - 4/10/2015
    REG - May 2015
    BEC - May 2015


    Exam: Be sure and get through all material early and take good notes. When doing the MC questions for each section be sure to note what you're having trouble with and go back through your notes and go through the question answer and make sure you understand and that your notes are clear on that topic.

    Interview: If asked why you're applying there and where you see yourself in the future do not say you want to get a little experience here then probably move on to private. People want to hire someone that will grow and benefit their practice.

    Also I have no iPad but they look nice. EMAW


    Exam Tip…. Don't create undue stress. In hindsight, I think it is best to schedule exams one at a time so you can keep a clean clear focus on a particular subject without the added pressure of looming NTS expiration dates… This way you can allow life to happen without freaking out…

    REG 72, 86 and DONE!!!
    BEC 80 🙂
    FAR 72, 78 🙂
    AUD 73, 76 🙂


    Make sure you give yourself enough time to work through as many mc's and sims as you possibly can. Wiley test bank is a wonderful tool.And the ninja's are a great way to revise. Most important is to never give up! As hard as it seems,it will get better!


    Exam Tip: Don't put off your exam! Take it as soon as you can. The longer you wait the harder it will be!

    BEC 71,77
    REG 65,85
    FAR 7/1/13
    AUD 8/24/13

    Soon 2B CPA

    Tip: Relax. I have taken all of the exams three times and started passing them when I started relaxing. The night before the exam I would close my book at 6pm and go have a drink with friends. I knew that I was not going to learn anything more later in the night, it was better if I took some time to myself and tried to get a good night of sleep.

    Career Tip: I work for a regional accounting firm and I think the best thing you can do during an interview is act excited about the firm. Know what they specialize, who the top partners are, what some of their clients are doing. If you can carry on a conversation and the interviewer sees that you interact well with people you are unfamiliar with that can help supplement a lack of experience or low GPA.

    AUD: 72, 74, 87
    BEC: 74, 74, 76
    REG: 74, 66, 79
    FAR: 73, 73, (waiting on score release)


    Work through as many MCQ as possible; they help teach you how to apply the principle. Also, read the NINJA notes. They are a tremendous help. Doing this will help you feel a little more prepared on exam day.

    BEC - 75
    AUD - 68, 66
    REG - 72, 73, 77
    FAR - 52, 81


    My advice for students in college, learn this stuff! Don't just get enough in your brain to pass the next test, really learn it and it will make the studying and taking the CPA exam so much better. If I had it to do over agian there would be a lot more book time and a little less party time.

    For people looking for careers, don't just apply for jobs available and take the first decent thing that comes along. Really do some soul searching and praying and figure out what it is you want to do and start there and don't give up until you've got it. You will be happier in the long run.

    For CPA canidates, (and I have to go by this too) be stubborn!!! Refuse to let this thing beat you. Do the work get the reward!

    Now that I feel like my mother, go iPad3!!!! ;)) Happy testing everyone!


    Big4 Interview Tip: Be personable, everyone who interviews got great grades in college, being able to carry on a conversation with a partner during the interview will help a lot.

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA

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