Internship? Job? What should I do?

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    Thank you for getting to this point! I’m in somewhat of a stew. I’ve talked to a professional about this matter, however I believe there’s much better advice on here. I promise I will not babble on and on and on.

    I graduated in June 2011 with a degree in accounting from a top 50 university. My GPA is 3.24 with 2 C+s in accounting due to extended absence from classes (legit).

    After college, I worked for four months in the back office of a large corp. I left and took a job with a small CPA firm doing public accounting. (It was as boring as …) I recently left the previous job mentioned, and moved to a big city because well…

    Right now I am unemployed. It’s great for now because I’m studying for auditing, which is my last one, and applying to grad school to a masters in accountancy program (I need the masters… 150 credit req MANDATORY).

    The dilemma is what should I be doing now till the end of August. My goal is to work for the Big 4. I am hoping high grades in grad school will help!?!? O

    Disregarding that I quit without having a job lined up prior to moving, what should be my next move to advance my career? Internship? Regular Job? Seasonal Tax Job? Something else?

    Please keep in mind I prefer** not to lie when asked in an interview how I plan on earning the extra credits needed for the CPA designation. However what’s your opinion, should I lie to employers during an interview about going to grad school, and just quit before school starts if I get the job.

    WOWZA…you made it to the end. Again, Im going back to school for a masters next year and I just left my public accounting job, so, what should I do? I need to keep my resume flowing. Thanks for your help 🙂


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  • #393047

    I'm just curious, if you choose not to work while in grad school, how do you think a handful of 4-6 month jobs will boost your resume? IMHO, that many very short term jobs would cause more concern to a future employer than an extended period of unemployment.

    You could always work while in school. You'd be building your resume and completing the education requirements simultaneously. You're likely to need experience to satisfy your CPA license requirements.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I have already completed the public accounting experience requirement.

    My one job was 3 months, and I was at my other job for over a year…


    I would highly advise working through grad school. I am 27 and I JUST graduated and started my professional career. I want to go back to graduate school, but I don't want to lose another two years being in school and not working. Grad school is all well and good, but I would definitely try to find something beneficial careerwise that also allows you to complete school. As far as I know, a lot of business-related programs have a night school option because they know a lot of their students are professionals.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    Depending on your MAcc program, you may be able to have all three. I was in a 2-year, 54-credit MAcc program designed for people who were not accounting undergrads. I taught classes as a TA all four semesters, had an internship during the summer between the first and second year, and gained the credits and knowledge necessary for the CPA credential. Plus as a TA, I got a steep discount on my tuition, and gain a ton of valuable knowledge and experience. Depending on the schools you are considering, this may be a good option. However, if this isn't an option, having some type of work during grad school (whether you work full time and go to school part time, or go to school full time and work part time), is valuable in my opinion.


    Thanks for all you advice.

    So instead of going back to school full-time to fulfill the 150 credit hour requirement, I should find a job now and go to grad school part time come summer/fall? Ill be done the CPA exam this month and I have already completed the one year experience requirement. All I have left is the credit hour requirement…I am only 24 too.


    My thought was to see if you could get a job that you could keep throughout grad school instead of having to work for 6 months, quit, then go to school and find something else. You could look around and see if there is any accounting work you can do that would be part time and go to school full time or vice versa. I am trying to get in at a grad program at Texas A&M, and I know they have a track for those working full-time, and those working part-time or not working at all. One is 2 years, one is 3 years.

    Definitely don't NOT go to grad school, I mean you have to get the credits to fulfill the 150 hours at some point. But I would really try to find something work-wise that is beneficial to you and doesn't leave a huge gap on your resume.

    My advice is just what I am going to try to do when I go back to school. I don't want to work for a year in public accounting, then quit and go back to school and work at a restaurant or something. I think once you start ‘real' work, you shouldn't go backwards or stop. School should fall around work, in my opinion, because it is much more flexible.

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    To me, this is the only problem I have with the 150 hour requirement. From a Grad School perspective, people tend to get much more out of it once they have a few years of experience (3-4) to fall back on, then go back (concurrently while working is usually the best if you can swing it). Of course you spent all of this time studying for the CPA you want to officially get the damn thing. I would also urge you not to forget about the experience requirement of the CPA. Keeping in mind that in most entry level corporate accounting positions you will not necessarily be working directly under a CPA (one of the requirements in my state).

    I wouldn't worry TOO much about the job hopping at this point in your career, but it will become a problem if you don't begin to get some longevity soon. I would begin by picking your next job very carefully, and lean toward public accounting if you think you can stomach it for 2-3 years. Even though it's a requirement to fulfill the CPA, I would put grad school on back burner for 1-2 years and revisit it once you are solid in your next spot. Coming out of public accounting (say 4 years down the road) with a CPA and a masters will go a long way toward solidifying a spot in corporate accounting if you decide to go that way…

    Just my thoughts, good luck!


    @ FlipACoin,

    Thanks for the advice. Fortunately, I already have a year of public accounting experience at a small firm. I tried to get a job with Big 4 out of college but they wouldn't hire undergrads without 150 credits. I instead ending up working for small CPA firm for a year and passed the CPA during that time. Im finding it difficult to get a job with a large firm. I feel as though not having 150 credits is holding me back? What do you guys think?


    Forumgrass…Ah I missed the part in your post that your definite goal is to be in big4…. Can you get by without a job? If you don't need to work I say don't bother outside of either a consulting gig or getting an opportunity to do what you want in big4. I would just focus on AUD, networking however you can, getting ready for your masters and just keep trying to do what you can to get noticed by somebody in big 4. If you still have nothing from big4 come next year, look for a graduate internship.

    I find it almost depressing that somebody with a premium undergrad degree, decent GPA with CPA passed and entry into a good grad school won't at least get an interview! Are you at least getting sniffs from big4? Networking might be what you are missing…..have you tried to reach out to a local CPA chapter or undergrad alumni network to get to know some people? I have to believe there are at least a few big4 people in those areas who can at least point you to somebody who will take a look at your resume…..


    @Flipacoin, A lot of universities will just filter out all the GPAs that are under their limit without a second glance. IMO they lose out on some true gems, but I understand that they have certain qualities that they are required to look for (e.g. High to mid high gpa).

    @OP, networking is your best answer man.

    Mayo, BBA, Macc

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