Industry or public accounting for job? - Page 2

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  • #1642900

    I am looking for a job and currently have two options although I’m not 100% sure I will be offered both. However I was wanting opinions on which is the better option for me.

    Industry – staff accountant at private hospital. Full (free) medical insurance. 1 hr 30 min round trip commute.

    Public – audit/tax/financial advisor firm. 2 hr 30 min round trip commute.

    I received a potential offer from the public accounting firm and while going into public seems more beneficial, the commute scares me mainly because (1) it cuts in to personal time quite a great deal and (2) since winter is coming soon, I’m worried the weather will be bad for such a long drive. What do you all think? I will be keeping this job for a year to 18 months so it isn’t incredibly long term. I will be moving to a different city after that where commute will be cut drastically (less than 1 hour round trip).

    I am 23 years old, no children, a significant other but we do not live together. I have 3 dogs though.

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  • #1643711

    Long term I think I would like to work in industry, specifically in cost accounting. Or public doing audits. Where I've never worked before, I don't know exactly what I want to do but these are the two subjects I am most interested in. I do know, though, that I absolutely am not interested in taxes! Anything but that.

    I guess I do need to think more long term. I can deal with one or two years of sucky hours if it will benefit my career long term. I just want to make sure it's worth it


    I wonder if you took the public accounting job, maybe you could move halfway between to have a shorter commute and still be close to your family?

    Just a thought. Though if you are working in public, chances are you will have very little time for personal matters outside of work, especially if having to commute.


    I'll go ahead and explain why I can't move, maybe y'all can help me better. My father is bed bound as he cannot walk. He is in the last stage of both Parkinson's disease and dementia so he can't talk, he has to be fed, cleaned, and taken care of completely. My mom has to work full time as she is their only source of income, plus she has to work to keep insurance for him. Throughout the last two years, I finished college online so I am home during the day while she works. When I start working, we have to figure out a different way to do things because my father obviously has to have a full time caregiver. My mom has to keep working full time but paying someone to stay with my dad for 8 to 10 hours a day would take up her entire paycheck. So our current plan is for me to work typical hours and then her to work night shift for the next year or so until I move. That gives her enough time to come up with another plan. So currently I cannot move out of the house with them because I have to care for my father. This is why I cannot relocate.


    With the public position, you're probably going to have to travel, which could mean nights away from home, unable to take care of your father. The experience would be amazing, but maybe it's something you look at doing after a year or so when you can relocate. I would suggest the hospital position for your circumstances. The hospital will probably be more flexible with your situation.


    Agree w/Meg


    Take the hospital job. Totally not worth the extra commute if it is going to keep you away from other, more important responsibilities. You will gain experience and transferable skills there, and if you ever want to go into public you always can.

    Be with your dad and mom (and dogs). You will not regret it.


    I agree with @Juice23. It's always how you finished in this journey of life. You're more like my two daughters age. What you're doing to your family now will have a great impact in your later years, and loved ones along the way.

    I was more like you when I was around that age. Finished HS at 15, got my undergrad at 19, went abroad to give my parents and siblings a better life from my country of origin. My parents and sister ended up joining me in my second country.

    All I wanted in life, I accomplished, with the exception of getting my CPA designation, but it will come soon.

    All my life, I always think of my family, especially my parents and children that really need some extra help, in times. My husband for 27+ years made it easier for me, and the rest of the family.

    In your case, you're young, spend a little time with your family, and the same time start your career. It might not be your dream job, but the time you spend with family, your other half, your dogs, and your friends are well worth it.

    Your parents only need your help temporarily, 5-10-15 yrs down the road, you'll have your whole life, raising a family. Being close to your parents are good for young family, it can be a plus.

    In closing, think short-term and long-term goals. These goals will likely affect how you finish in this journey of life. You can have it all: you're own family, your parents around, career, health, wealth and most all ‘happiness'.

    God Bless.


    Thanks everyone for your opinions. It seems like since you know my personal situation, you all are leaning more toward the hospital job. Well..I called their recruiting department today and they said that the job has been essentially filled. So unless they open new positions, I only have the public job open to me. I talked to my mom today and she said if I wanted to take the public job where there may be long hours and potential trips, that that's fine and we will figure out some other way to deal with taking of my father.


    I had to make this decision 10 years ago. I chose the industry job. I was already in my late 20's and it was the best choice for me at the time. That said, if I was young and right out of school, I'd go public. Get the experience and it will help you the rest of your career. I can see why you're conflicted though with your family situation. Can you find something even closer to home (even if it's a long term temp position) that would give you the ability to be home consistently when your mother is working?


    The most important commodity in life is time. Nothing will ever make up for that ever. While I agree public accounting experience is beneficial especially for someone just starting out 2 1/2 hour commute will get very old soon especially when u have to work long hours. I'm a controller for a large medical group and I started in a hospital as a staff accountant about 5 years ago. Got mentored by a fantastic boss who not only taught me about accounting but also operations. That's where I think industry wins vs public is if you get the right training and you're open minded you can not only be a good accountant but also a good business person. Good luck!

    FAR 8/20/15 - Passed 77
    AUD 10/10/15 -


    I would love to work closer…I definitely don't want to drive that far! But I have called literally every single public accounting firm within an hour radius and this firm is the only one hiring. It is actually the only company hiring an accountant in this area, actually, public or not. I have looked on company websites, Indeed, and LinkedIn job search. So this public position is literally the only position open so I am scared to not take it because I don't know if or when another one would open.

    Now that I think about it, though, H&R Block is hiring in my town but that is bottom of the barrel. I imagine it would be better to drive for the public accounting job which will provide quality experience long term than the tax job at H&R paying minimum wage.


    Remember, I live in a small town (less than 5,000 people) so options are limited to begin with. Plus it's coal country so most jobs here are blue collar.

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