Importance of a college transcript

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  • #172705

    I’ve been doing a lot of research online and it seems as if most big public accounting firms ask for transcripts when hiring an individual straight out of college. From your experience, have you ever been asked to provide your college transcripts when applying for a job? Was this at a big4, mid-level, or large accounting firm?

    I’m asking because I start my Masters this fall semester and since I’m going to be attending a target school I’m planning on applying to a lot of positions in public accounting. My undergrad GPA is decent (3.4) but my transcripts hide some secrets. Throughout most of my undergrad I was working and didn’t pay much attention to my grades. I dropped a few classes and used the forgiveness policy at my school twice (Yes, I did fail 2 classes for the stupidest reasons ever!). I was never really interested in applying to one of the big4 so I thought it didn’t matter. As a matter of fact, I never thought anyone would ask me for my transcripts after obtaining a Bachelor in Accounting. Yes, I was really naive but then again I was the first person in my family to ever go to university. I didn’t have much guidance thus I made quite a few mistakes along the way. Nevertheless, I did learn from it and managed to make Dean’s list every semester in my last year as an undergrad (spring, summer, and fall).

    Soooo now even though I know I can attain my Masters with a super high gpa, pass the cpa exam, and network like there is no tomorrow, there is nothing, absolutely nothing I can do about my undergrad transcripts. Are accounting firms usually satisfied with a decent gpa or do they all, or most, ask for transcripts? Would it matter if I pass the cpa exam, graduate with extremely good grades, and be active on campus? I just don’t want to let the mistakes I made 3-4 years ago keep me from getting into public accounting.

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  • #357192

    Quick question. What exactly is a target school for accounting? Are there non target schools for accounting? I always thought of target schools for a career in finance distinguishing front office from back office.

    Anyways, my undergrad experience is similar to yours. I dropped a few classes and didn't do well at all for a few semesters. I interviewed and was offered a position by a CPA firm. They asked for my transcripts before superday, after the following semester, and now finally my official transcript with my degree on it.

    It seems as if they care that you did not bomb the final year and that you did indeed take and pass the required courses. I wouldn't worry about it now if I were you because you are starting your masters.

    FAR - 88
    AUD - 98
    REG - 87
    BEC - 83


    I believe target schools are the universities that the big4 usually go to for recruiting or at least that is what I think.

    Well, thank you for sharing your experience. It feels a little better to know that I wasn't the only one who made mistakes as an undergrad. At times, it just feel like the only people who get the good jobs are the ones who did everything right from day one which is kind of discouraging since a LOT of things can happen while in college.


    3.4 is not bad IMO, but could limit hurt when you're applying for interviews. Definitely emphasize that you've been on the Dean's list for the past three terms on your resume – so they know you're on the upswing.

    They do ask for & look at transcripts. If your accounting GPA is higher, I'd list that (& identify it accordingly). The GPA cutoff can, and often is, higher than that (a 3.4) – just depends on how many students they are interviewing at your school and how you compare to them.

    “Would it matter if I pass the cpa exam, graduate with extremely good grades, and be active on campus?”

    This would matter, but the problem with this is that you likely won't have time to do all this before recruiting season (which is usually quite early).

    If you truly want to network like crazy, I'd start now, local offices usually have different summer events that they invite students to in order to get to know them better. And also start working on your resume & cover letter & interviewing skills this summer.

    Best of luck

    REG - Passed!!
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    Study Materials: Becker basic course


    Thank you whatdidyou, I have already started networking and I'm hoping to have passed all 4 sections of the cpa before recruiting season this fall. I'm guessing I'm going to have to embrace my fear and provide my transcripts whenever the time comes.

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