If you don't get a particular job, consider it a blessing. You may not have been a good fit for the company, but in a good way. You may have been overqualified or your personality may not have matched the culture there. Golden rule: if the interview feels comfortable and easy to get through, it's probably gonna be a good fit. If you come back for multiple interviews and talk
to like 8 people who drill you and grill you and ask you all kinds of questions, only to get a “no offer”, it's definitely a blessing because they're probably a bunch of assholes who shamelessly jerk people around with no respect…you don't wanna work for people like that.
I had a whole slew of job interviews early last year. One of them, I remember, was so incredibly bad that immediately after it ended, I decided to go do something really, really fun.
Well, I don't mention what the ‘fun' thing was…no, it didn't involve drugs/alcohol/unlawful activities. But, I needed it to help clear that disgusting experience from my mind.
Thankfully, the next month I got a long-term temp job which resulted in my getting my present job, which I've been in for almost a year now. Everything happens, or does not happen, for a reason.
Some time ago, I had an amazingly good interview for a job that paid twice what my then-current job was paying. I walked out of there almost sure that I had it, and I got the offer
letter a few days later. They fired me at 120 days, with no warning. But, it was a rotten 120 days. I walked out of there relieved, although I remembered how great the interview was, and how it totally masked the really horrid things about that workplace. They paid me very well though, for that short time, so that helped erase some of the hatred and anger I was feeling.
i don't know how old you are, but interview rejections are often harder for younger people to deal with. They want to get their dream job right out of school, or before age 30 or whatever. Sad to say, that doesn't happen a lot nowadays. That's why so many young kids live at home with parents – although of course there are those who make a good amount of income but the parents give them free room and board anyway, which I don't understand…maybe because I never had that luxury haha.
Best of luck to you. You'll get the right job sometime. I know that sounds dismissive/uncaring but it's just reality. When the key fits the lock, the door opens! Maybe not as soon as we'd all like but eventually it always does.