I am a CPA, and got fired AGAIN! - Page 2

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  • #3305549

    So this goes back a few years. Back in late 2018, early 2019 my career was seemingly going nowhere. I was unable to get interviews in public accounting whilst having little to no experience and having all four parts passed. In early 2019, I got my saving grace and got an hourly position which transitioned into a full time position. Of course we all know what happens in 2020. With all the chaos ensued, I managed to keep my job, receive my experience sign off as other employees got “laid off.” The firm treated the employees like utter sh*t. Our salaries were cut by 15% and we were forced to work 57.5 hours through the majority of the extended busy season. I eventually was let go.. On October 16th 2020. The HR said it was due to sloppy work and slowing work flows. I know the reason was due to a bonus check I and others received which I accidently revealed to another. That, and because I took four half day Fridays using my PTO to deliver for Doordash to make extra cash.

    Fast forward to 7 weeks later, I got another job at a very small CPA firm, with 5 partners and four accountants including myself. In this position, I took from earlier on, I took on writeups, larger and more detailed tax returns which I hadn’t dealt with at my previous firm because they essentially treated me like an intern. I spent many hours learning how to do things, and moved my way into becoming more efficient, or so I thought. More work and returns came in after busy season, and this was work I wasn’t familiar with. With one project, it was a tremendous number of hours, and was not billable. I ackowledged I should’ve asked for help earlier on instead of spending so many hours trying to figure it out myself.

    Without warning, the managing partner called me into his office first thing Thursday, and informed me of the decision to let me go. He explained how they hired a CPA, but that’s not what they were getting from me. The CPA title had created more expectation. Despite learning A LOT from this firm, and wanting to move forward, my confidence is completely shaken now, and giving this job only lasted about eight months, the prior only 1 year longer, I may not have a desirable resume.

    Can anyone please provide some advice?

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  • #3305774

    Very nice.
    What was the offer relative to the last few positions you've had?


    The position that ended in 2020 was at 52k.
    The 2021 position I was let go from was at 55k.
    This position is 58k, but with the increased cost of health insurance is actually a wash.. If not a small net pay decrease.


    Sounds reasonable, I hope it's a good fit and works out for you.
    Starting in my area is 40-45k I believe, so with a couple years experience I think you are probably in the right range, and it just goes up from here.
    Ask lots of questions – keep learning.
    The more you know, the more valuable you become!

    Best of luck with it.
    Please come back and share more updates if you have more interviews.
    I think it will be an employee market soon, with the mass resignations happened post COVID.
    But also, a ton of people are leaving Big4, and they need to find jobs somewhere.
    Some will go to industry, and some will go to smaller regional firms.


    Tell us why the one firm is what you wanted and the other was not at all of interest to you. Explore those reactions to each firm and how you are and aren't a good fit for them. Why is the third offer acceptable? I want to read how you approach these decisions and see how they turn out for you. Let us know how these other interviews go, too. You must be tired by now!

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    The one thing I don't understand about job seekers is how you accept the offer of a job you don't want. That is quite inconsiderate given that the employer goes through training you but will then have to soon turn around at some point and repeat the process again because you weren't straight up with them.

    I hope things turn out well for you but remember what goes around comes around. Just saying….

    AUD - 10/21/16 (75----07/2010 expired)
    FAR - 10/28/16
    BEC - 11/2016
    REG - 01/2017

    Using Gleim CPA Review, Ninja Audio, Ninja Book


    I did not just accept any job. I accepted a job to a place that was in fact acceptable, and provided enough of what I wanted and then some.

    As far as going through the process of training employees, it is a trade off. Firms teach and develop employees, and we produce for them. They get their investment back in the first year alone.


    You make it sound like there is a long hard process to these things lol. To some extent there is.
    – the offer to the firm that was not acceptable, the interviewer was pretty stuck up. Like, if you're going to be like that in the interview, it'll only be worse at the job.
    – the job that was acceptable: the firm had work similar to what I was used to, but would train for more difficult projects, and there is certainly growth involved.
    – the firm I liked most, in which interviews went amazingly well.. Did not get the job because they needed a higher level person. I liked them most because it would be full tax and accounting with no audit.. Which I will be partaking in my new firm.


    @Parthamis Your words: “I did accept the offer to the other, but with a start date two weeks from now, giving me more time to interview in case something better does come about.”

    I'm going by your words. You said you have to two weeks to interview for something better which means you aren't entirely happy with the the offer you did accept. My point is, why not just hold out for the “something better”? Are you going to keep looking for that something better after you start the new job? As a hiring employer myself, I rather you not even take the job if you don't feel it is something you truly want. A job being acceptable is not the same as it being exactly what you want.

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but I guess do whatever. I've never been one of those people who takes a job until something better comes along. If I take a job it's because I want the darn thing.

    AUD - 10/21/16 (75----07/2010 expired)
    FAR - 10/28/16
    BEC - 11/2016
    REG - 01/2017

    Using Gleim CPA Review, Ninja Audio, Ninja Book


    You ever had the saying, “the grass is always greener”?

    I will most certainly stop looking midway through this week. In the case of holding out for the job I want? Is that even a thing in public accounting? To an extent there could be with industry niches larger firms have and such, but for the most part it simply doesn't exist.


    @Parthamis I am thinking of down the road when you come back and tell us how it is going once you have been there awhile. You know, the next episode based on this season’s cliffhanger.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Absolutely. I intended on giving a the month update, pay tax season update, and one year update. I've essentially settled on this job, and looking forward to it.


    Unfortunately, not all people are in a place in their lives or careers where they can get fired and then wait to find the right fit. Sometimes you have financial responsibilities that require you to become employed asap.

    Best of luck at the new job Parthamis, looking forward to hear of your future success!!


    @Parthamis I hope your new job is a great experience for you. The next time you search for a job the market may be very tight and opportunities harder to come by. Make the most of this and give it your all. Good luck!

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different

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