How often do you get reviewed?

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  • #177314

    I am aware of the 90 days probationary period.

    How often do formal reviews come for you? Every X amount of months? After every quarter? Semi-annually? Annually?

    What are the guidelines of the review? Do you get a raise if you accomplish so and so?

    Can they fire you in public accounting for no reason? Or can they hold little things against you and base their decision off of that without warning?

    Just curious, sometimes I feel a bit tested at work lol. I have under one year of public auditing experience ever, have been going on about six months with the firm I’m with now.

    Any advice appreciated, thanks.

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  • #411152

    I'm guessing there are only test-takers here. No one else hangs around to give career advice lol


    When I worked in public I was evaluated annually. There were things on my last review that were absolutely shocking. They absolutely kept things from me. At that point I did not care because a few hours earlier I accepted a new job. The review consisted of everyone above you in the firm who worked with you reviewing you. The way it was done was not, in my opinion, the best. The reviewers wrote paragraphs about you so instead of keeping it ananoymous, like the wanted, you could tell who was saying the not so nice things about you. There were a lot of personal preferences that got caught up in the review. Our raises were given at a different time than the review. It consisted of a separate mini review of you by the partners.

    I am now in private. We get reviewed annually. First, we review ourselfs and submit it to our boss, then our boss reviews us and we have a meeting to discuss. This happens in March. Raises happen in June…based on performance and also on the money available in the salary increment pool.

    NYS CPA License # 113563
    CIA: Done as of 2/15/14

    Training for a half marathon post studying!


    Sounds like that was probably at a smaller firm most likely? It sucks being reviewed by just a bunch of accountants, because most accountants are good at only one thing, accounting lol.


    Once a year. Bonus at a different time also from a mini review. You can be let go from any job in Florida without reason. Public accounting will always make you feel tested. Start thinking about your exit strategy. It's a pretty nice day in Miami today don't worry about such things 🙂

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