How long to stay in Public?

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  • #1526109

    I am on year 3 of my auditing career at Grant Thornton. I am a senior with a decent amount of experience. At what point do you usually see people leaving public? I think I am ready to leave but not 100% sure.

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  • #1526115

    Many people leave after 2-3 years for opportunities that offer better pay for less hours.

    Curious, why do you say you are “ready to leave”? Is there something you don't like about it? Are you getting good experience while there and isn't there always more to learn? Thanks in advance.


    Yeah, definitely higher paying jobs out there. I like the firm, I just having issues with the actual work. Not really adding any value to the client, even though I have learned a ton.


    2-3 years is pretty standard. If you have a CPA then my personal suggestion would be to make Manager first, then see how different that is compared to Senior, and then after 1 year of being a Manager consider moving.

    The reason for this is sometimes people don't realize it but Manager positions suit their style of leadership and work ethic better, and there will typically be better paying jobs in industry when you leave as a Manager rather than a Senior.

    Hope that helps!

    shawn in VA

    stay til your 65 year old. you will be sitting in a tiny little cube using your 10 Key calculator. that is my plan.


    When to leave??? I'll be in public FOREVER. FOR-EV-ER

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016

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