How do you say, I will take any job in your Firm.

  • Creator
  • #175362

    I am looking for a job and I want a job in the public accounting. I heard employers like it when the job seeker knows exactly what they want. I have two years of tax, and I wouldn’t mind working in the audit department or any other department in the firm. How do I say this without sounding indecisive? Can I say, I will take any position that is available?

    Passed all 4 parts exam.

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  • Author
  • #389394

    I am in the same boat as you are. I have 1.5 year experience in accounting and recently qualified for the CPA exam but still looking for a job is not easy. I thought it was going to be easier, but they want people with more experience. Just keep looking, you will find something.



    I'm sorry to say but this is virtually impossible. No matter what, you're going to come across as wishy-washy and desperate — even if it's not fair. I would recommend speaking to someone within the firm around the senior level and get a feel for what they really need. Since you're really open to anything, you can apply for the service line that's hurting the most for fresh bodies.


    You need to say you prefer one or the other but are willing to consider other positions if they sound desirable to you. That way (if they actually want you) they will try to “sell” you on a position other than your first choice.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Tough love ahead: when you say “I'll consider any position you have available”, it makes you sound desperate and shows some hiring managers you don't know what you want. Instead focus on why you are a good fit for the firm itself and are open to learning OR when applying for a specific position, show you are a good match for the position and are excited about the open position.

    Ex: While my experience has been primarily in tax, I've developed an interest in auditing and assurance due to XYZ. Others may have better suggestions but this may be something you can build on.


    You never want to appear desperate to a potential employer. Desperation equates to being fickle and non-reliable. If you're desperate for a position with them, their assumption is that you'll jump ship the moment a “better” opportunity presents itself–they feel as if they're a filler in your employment gap. Obviously, this is not true for most people, but like it or not, this is how desperation comes across. As others have so eloquently pointed out, sell yourself by how qualified and interested you are in the position(s). If you're in tax and want to move into audit, embellish the conversation by conveying how you would qualify for an audit position.

    Texas CPA - licensed in 2012!!!


    “How do I say this without sounding indecisive?”

    Difficult. I wouldn't even try. Like others have mentioned, it also sounds desperate which is even worse than indecisive.

    “Can I say, I will take any position that is available?”

    No. Since you are in tax. Focus on that, it is your best chance.

    REG - Passed!!
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    Study Materials: Becker basic course


    “I am looking to attain a position as an auditor within your firm. Although audit is where i am primarilry focusing my search, I am also open to other opportunites that you may think my skills fit.”

    FAR 80
    REG 76
    AUD 85
    BEC 85
    Ethics 98

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