HELP: I need your opinion ASAP. Should I accept this offer?

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  • #175798

    Hi guys!

    So I have an offer from a pretty big public accounting firm, and I am supposed to start in October. But the recruiter called me a few days ago and asked if I could come in for busy season (Feb – April). It was a very short notice.

    Currently I am working part-time in private and studying for my first exam FAR. I have to take 2 classes before October too. My plan was to finish everything by August and take time off to rest and travel the states and Europe.

    If I accept the offer, I would have to submit a 2-weeks-notice to my job, which my boss helped me get, and delay studying for exams until early May. The good side is that I will make more money for moving out and (maybe) travelling.

    My offer in October will not go anywhere if I say yes or no, but they said they “DEFINITELY NEED” me and want to discuss the details. I feel stuck. What would you guys do if you were me?

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  • #393080

    Nope. Stick to your plan. You have the rest of your life to be an overworked CPA.

    You'll feel good about how you treat your current job.

    You'll be able to minimize the stress of studying.

    You'll be able to take time off and travel.

    AND you'll still have a good job when you get back.

    -If you don't absolutely NEED the money, pass on it.

    Something good to learn while you are still young: it's okay to say “no” sometimes.

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*


    Yeah stick to your plan 100%, that's what I'm doing.

    My friends who work for PWC and E&Y have zero time to study for their CPA exams and some havent even passed a single one yet.

    Sooner you get the CPA done, the better.


    If you take the position now, it will demonstrate to them that you're committed to their firm. I've worked at Big 4 and large regional… In my experience when the company asks for an employee to start early, it's a bad sign when they say no. UNLESS they have a legit reason and express their concern for the new position not being filled. If you say no, come up with the best reason why and share with them that you're worried they won't find someone else to start early. Don't make them think you just want the easier path.


    I called and explained why I couldn't do it (I also have some family problems and told them that too.) They said okay and they would extend the opportunity to someone else in my year. Then, they just called back to tell me I can work just until 3/31 instead of May. If I say yes, I will be working for 2 months and my plans will be put off for those 2 months. They seem to need me…


    If they asked you further to work but made a counter offer until 3/31, they must really need you. Honestly, it might look a lot better if you take them up on that- put yourself in their shoes. you got an offer and so what is more important to you than that? you should be lucky you got an offer as I'm sure there are a million other people who would die for your opportunity. i know it may seem like you have other things to take care of but in their minds everything else is secondary. start yourself on the right foot.


    I'd consider it with the shortened time frame. Depending on what industry/client you end up on you may or may not still be busy in March. I'm Big 4 and my busy season audits sign off 2/22 and 3/4 – we have subsidiary audits that keep us busy year-round, but once I get past 3/4 it's not too bad.

    At first I was on team “turn it down”, but if they countered with a new end date they must really need the help and it would look really good. Coming from someone on an engagement team that doesn't have enough staff right now, the team you get assigned too would probably really appreciate it.


    My big question is:

    Were you planning on staying with your currently company through your classes and sitting for the CPA? If so, do you think they're going to bring you back on board for this time? Yes, you'll have better pay through 3/31 but what about the 6 months you're not needed up until October starts? Sounds like they want you to come on and work through busy season and then start back up in October. I would try to politely lay down some ground rules about what you need to accomplish between 3/31 and 10/1 and see if their short term goals for you are the same (CPA, classes, Europe trip*) and they will facilitate you in accomplishing them.

    *Europe trip is probably the least important and shouldn't be pushed by any means. However, its cant hurt to inform them you planned on it and inquire if there will be time prior to October for you to take the trip.


    I personally think this is a no brainer. You tell them that you can help them out. If you keep saying no to them, even though they say it wont affect any decision down the road… it potentially could because of the impression you are leaving now with management. To be honest they are asking you to work until 3/31, not to start right away and work over summer. So all the summer plans you had still work out, plus if FAR is your first exam, pushing it back wont hurt. Pushing back FAR is a small cost compared to the HUGE benefit you will receive from taking the job. Think how good helping out this firm will make you look. You are dropping everything to help your new firm, they will notice and remember that (goes back to my earlier point) plus the experience will help with some of the exams.

    You also have to consider this… What happens when they hire another staff because you said no and that staff accountant does an amazing job. Whats to stop the firm from keeping that staff accountant and revoking your offer letter? Just something to think about.

    Take the job and stop stringing along your new employer because truthfully they dont need you as much as you need them.

    By stringing along i mean you are obviously taking time to think about it, then said no, then they came back with a counter offer and now you are thinking about it again. Hence you kind of are stringing them along with this decision

    FAR - 88 (Jul 2012)
    AUD - 85 (Oct 2012)
    BEC - 82 (Nov 2012)
    REG - 92 (Jan 2013) DONE!

    Using Becker Self Study 2012


    Agree with you mrwillis- is this a small firm? the fact that you are dropping what you have going on now to help them out- you are really helping yourself out. also realize it's not like they asked you to start now for good- they are still letting you have off after the deadline and until you start which just shows how much more they need someone. think about it from a manageres point of view…

    also next time this year you will have a huge huge leg up on all the other first years which will mean a lot

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