Got My First Job! - Page 2

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  • #1331256

    Hey guys after searching for a job since June, and got plenty of no’s I finally landed a job at a cpa partnership, a very small firm. I achieved the job, by calling local firms in my area and this firm said come in for an interview. At first they were worried that I only had four months of accounting experience at a local firm during my internship. They said they didn’t have a lot of time to train, but felt I had the ability. They said I would have 90 days of probation, and if I performed well they would keep me. I start the job January 2.

    Should I still keep looking and see if I find any other job offers, or stay put? Also what advice would you have for starting out a small firm? Thanks!

    AUD 5/27/16 74 &#%!! 7/13/2016 86!
    BEC 8/17/2016
    FAR 11/04/2015 73, 1/4/2016 75 (phew!)
    REG 2/26/2016 74. 4/2/2016 79

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  • #1372106

    I would agree with the prior two posts completely. I would also advise you to start asking around to see if anyone you know, might be looking for a CPA firm for various work deliverables (taxes, audits, tax planning). If you managed to secure a decent size client, the firm will be more hesitant to let you go at the end of tax season, since they will possibly need to part ways with that client as well.

    I would say definitely take this position, but BE VERY WARY. I was offered 2 full time offers, the year before last. An accounting firm offered me a position while a company also offered me a position. The company offered a material amount of money more (think 10k-that's after me negotiating the firm up quite a bit, the accounting firm wanted to pay even less) than the firm and required fewer hours. I ended up choosing the accounting firm. Guess what happened?

    After tax season, the firm ended up laying me off. I never received any warnings or anything; one fine day in May, I was told the “chemistry” just wasn't working. Then, BOOM, I no longer had a job. I heard that the same thing happened to the guy after me. Once tax season was over, he was gone as well. I don't want to be a downer either, but this practice is fairly common at smaller firms. I was told by someone else that at my old firm, we worked more hours than those at larger firms, while making less money and receiving less training.

    These small firms are so dependent on tax revenue, that after tax season, things will die completely-they're very volatile. You'll be shocked at the change; it is at this point, when you need to be wary. The slowness is NOT a good thing, despite what it seems.

    On an optimistic note, not all firms do this; I just wanted to point out that it's an extremely common occurrence. Overall, it's possible this position could work out, just be wary (especially with the “probationary clause-” all states are different, but this might be a strategy to avoid paying unemployment benefits in your state).

    B=84 This exam was such a b**** that I thought I failed-don't know how these things work
    A=76 Slacker I am, I'll happily take it
    R=81 I LOVE taxes
    F=80 I don't wanna get banned for an expletive I'm thinking with "yea" proceeding it


    I understand Ruftus, there is a great possibility that I get cut after tax season, but right no I have no other options. I think I will finally, get some public accounting experience at a tax firm and will make the most. I will try to look things up before asking my seniors questions. However, sometimes the tax law is ambiguous and I need more direction.

    AUD 5/27/16 74 &#%!! 7/13/2016 86!
    BEC 8/17/2016
    FAR 11/04/2015 73, 1/4/2016 75 (phew!)
    REG 2/26/2016 74. 4/2/2016 79


    The biggest thing that I realized really early on was I was going to make mistakes…….. It drives me crazy almost! I had more trouble with the work paper organization and tax return procedures than I did about tax law. I have had to force myself to slow down, and that has helped a lot!

    "Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a rowboat and taking tartar sauce with you" - Zig Ziglar
    Ninja book + Ninja MCQ + Roger
    AUD Oct 2016
    FAR Nov 2016
    BEC ?


    congrats!!? you will do great!!


    I forgot to mention I would be doing auditing and tax

    AUD 5/27/16 74 &#%!! 7/13/2016 86!
    BEC 8/17/2016
    FAR 11/04/2015 73, 1/4/2016 75 (phew!)
    REG 2/26/2016 74. 4/2/2016 79

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