Getting hired with a DUI? - Page 2

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  • #158115

    I had a terrible lapse in judgment several months ago and got a DUI. I am currently finishing up my accounting degree and in the process of trying to land a job with a CPA firm upon graduation. Other than the DUI I have a spotless record along with impressive academic achievements. My question is how will this affect my chances of employment with a CPA firm? I have already done some research into how a DUI would affect getting the CPA licensure, and it shouldn’t affect that at all, as it isn’t deemed an ethical violation. I take full responsibility for my actions and just hope it doesn’t prevent me from getting a job in the accounting field. Any input/advice would be appreciated, thanks!

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  • #368261

    Yeah…ThreePutts was last on 2 years ago and only ever started/participated in this thread. Chances are he/she did exactly what you're doing now…found a CPA forum and decided to poll the audience, so-to-speak.

    Sorry to hear about your, dewey…definitely a dumbass move on your part, but I believe if you learned from it that you shouldn't be penalized for life. I mean…it could have EASILY been me in college, so I feel you. Good luck, man.



    Although I am a good 5 to 10 years away from being able to make a decision about hiring anyone, I believe he had the right attitude. Someone who can stand up and admit their mistakes is an asset to any firm. Anyone who judges someone on a single mistake is only trying to hide from their own. Just my .02



    Yes, you can get hired with a DUI.

    To Congress.

    In fact, I think a DUI is required there 🙂

    And when you get hired, hire me as your adviser 🙂

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