Getting an Entry Level Audit Position

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  • #2287665

    I live in South-Eastern Wisconsin and I would like to get an entry level position in audit and have sent out resume and I have not heard anything back from anyone.

    So I am about to be done with my CPA exam and graduated with my bachelors a year and a half ago and my previous experience has been in tax and general bookkeeping and I really want to try my hand at audit. Especially so I can potentially try and get into forensic accounting. However, I have sent my resume to over a dozen places from various jobs posting on indeed and LinkedIn and I have had no responses. As well, I would prefer to stay in South Eastern Wisconsin though I am open to moving for the right position.

    Any advice or leads?

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  • #2287896

    One thing you might do is find a few contacts on Linkedin to connect with in the audit field. You won't know each other, but it could provide just enough boost to your profile to garner a second look.

    I did have an audit manager tell me a couple things that audit departments don't like. One, is that they question the change from tax to audit, as audit usually requires more travel and a different overall personality (more extroverted in my opinion). Second, audit departments may shy away from candidates older than their late twenties who have no prior audit experience. The person I spoke with was careful in discussing the point, but basically, some audit departments may worry that a young audit senior (say a 24 yr old female) would confront an older CPA who is new to audit. The age thing may or may not apply to you, obviously.

    Now keep in mind I only had ONE audit manager tell me this so don't place to much into it.

    Good luck


    Got it, its actually partially because I tend to be more outgoing and I want to travel more that I want to transition into audit as opposed to going further with tax.


    Audit positions are hard to come by because most non public companies dont need audits..most firms make there money on tax shold probably look at furthering your tax career..

    I was in the same position as you had done audits run all the audits at our firm..but like tax much better..

    Audit is mostly filling out checklists and disclousres..doing a little testing making a few adjustments and then updating spreadsheets..its not that fun…you arent traveling anywhere cool, you have to drive several hours to some clients and sit in hours of traffic if youre ina metro area.


    I don’t know what the market is like in your area or what firms are in that area, but one of the above posters mentioned reaching out to contacts and I would agree with this. Do some research and send some senior/manager level auditors a message via linked in. They get bonuses for bringing people on so they should be fine with talking to you and if they eventually feel like it, they should be able to get your resume to HR.
    I would say that the main recruiting season will not start until the end of summer. I would suggest getting a survival job for now and continue to network and send resumes for audit positions. The fact that you have been out of school for 1.5 years is a red flag if you haven’t been working and I know from my experience the gap is not looked upon favorably. I am not certain that you haven’t been working though. And having the exam done will be a huge benefit when you go into public audit.
    Good luck!

    Hank Scorpio

    Network network network. I was a non-traditional student and nobody would interview me. I only got an offer from a local firm because I networked all I could. Best advice I got. Don't discount local firms either. I think your tax experience is a plus for audit.

    FAR - 10/3/16
    BEC - 69 - 10/31/16
    AUD - November 2016
    REG - December 2016


    Most auditors dont know shit about

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