Flying for an Interview … Can i bring the wife ?

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  • #171844

    Its a non Accounting job … they actually get History students to fill it ! But they pay well … and If i dont get a job ! it would be hard to survive with my wife !

    anyways .. they contacted me to arrange my flight to the interview … I guess i’m supposed to arrive a day earlier to see the city or something …

    The question is : Shall i Ask them if i could bring my wife with me ?

    I dont want it to seem like its a vacation or something .. but the job has 75% travel … my wife should have a say in the city she will live in ?! What do u guys think ? shall i tell them that i would be ready to cover her expenses ? well .. i’m not 😛 . Looks like it wont be a cheap flight …

    What would u do ?

    two to go !

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  • #347582

    Do NOT ask them to cover the flight. If you want to bring your wife don't say anything and just cover all the expenses yourself. If you ask them to pay for your wifes airfare, etc, be prepared to have them cancel the interview.


    @ sandra6500 thanks a lot ! 😀 > I had this answer coming … i just wanted to make sure 😛 . you have some serious two months ahead of you ! Wish you the best !!!

    two to go !


    That's pretty much what I was going to say – yes you can bring her with you but no, you can't ask them to cover the extra expense to do so. Also for the actual interview you'll be on your own but for things like city tours, you could say “Is it okay if my wife joins us for the city tour?” Also (you probably already know this but it's worth mentioning) regardless of what kind of job it is, whenever you are with someone from the company, it is part of the interview, even if it's not the formal, in-office q&a portion. If you're at a restaurant, they'll be watching your table manners, whether and how much you drink, etc.

    When my husband came down here (MS) for his interview, we could not afford for my daughter & I to fly down with him from WA State so he came by himself. I never set foot here until we were actually moving here. It was a bit unnerving but home is where your family is, KWIM? As long as your wife can find a niche in the community and a job (if she wants one), it'll be okay. As far as getting a feel for the city, everything is online these days, she could probably do a lot of research and maybe even find a virtual tour or something if she's unable to accompany you for the interview.

    ~ Kate... MTX!
    CPA exam on hold while I homeschool my 6 year old!


    I agree with the other posters that you cover the own costs of flying your wife down. Is this the first time you are interviewing for a job? Is that why you are unsure?

    And I disagree with KMWGrace that you ask if you can bring your wife on the city tour. You have no idea how family friendly this company is. They could be totally off-put by you asking to bring your wife and lead them to all sorts of conclusions that might not necssarily be the case.

    I would definitely look down on a candidate I was interviewing to be asking for special favors like that when they don't even have the job yet! Best to let your wife explore on her own and you can compare notes at night.

    See Pee A

    I would say no, assuming this is not a ‘family-type' company. Even if they are, you don't want them to make any judgments about your wife (even though I'm sure she's delightful) or the fact that you brought your wife, what she wears, how you act together, if her clothes are too revealing… I mention these things not because I think you/wife might overstep, but just to point out that there's a lot of little things that could hurt you and nothing that could help you.

    Bringing your wife along will make the company feel obligated to at least be friendly with her, while really being focused on getting to know you and evaluating you. Personally, you may be okay bringing her along but is it worth the risk? I'll leave that for you to decide.

    BEC 86 (08/30/11)
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    Exam prep - Becker self-study


    You guys are amazing ! I love this CPA community … I really think each and everyone of you spotted the light on a very important issue that needed to be tackled. I really Thank you all …

    I kinda feel shy from asking the question in the first place … probably that should have been my answer …

    @ kmwgrace – the city tour as part of the interview … of course in the back of my mind i knew that … but Did not really pay any attention to it ! Thanks for emphasizing it ! I really appreciate that … I hope you like the town you came to in MS 🙂

    @ See Pee A Yes ! being nice to my wife understanding her and her culture and the way she dresses… and religion .. that could have been a problem…

    @DesperatelySeekingChupacabra 🙂 thank you too 🙂

    two to go !

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