If you're talking about CPA exam burnout, I'm King Burnout. I burned out on my FAR studies this past December and, like an idiot, rescheduled it for January because of the burnout.
I should've just taken it in December because by January, I was even more burned out and forgot even more of what I'd studied. Live and learn….and (for some of us) learn from the lost money on a failed exam that by rights should have been a pass.
But, I'll stop crying now and just tell you that the remedy for burnout is simply to stop studying for a week or two and get your perspective back. I've basically been studying, even if only for an hour or less per day, for a year now. I haven't taken any time off yet. I take BEC on August 12th. I won't be studying again until after Labor Day (September 4th). It will be good because if I tried to launch into my final section of study (REG), I wouldn't have had a chance to get my perspective back. If you study too much, the studying will eventually become ineffective. For most people. If you're one of the ones who can push through all four in a row in a time so short that you don't have time to burn out, you're one of the lucky vast minority.
Now, there's another layer to your sandwich here…you work in public accounting. I don't think this is busy season, is it? That doesnt' come until year-end and year-beginning, and we're not there yet. So, now is the prime time to get a lot of CPA exam studies done because once you hit year-end, it will be a maelstrom of activity and you will probably be so burned out from work that your studying will not be effective.
The best of wishes to you.