Evaluate my job offer, PLEASE! :) - Page 3

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  • #173936

    A little history, I recently earned my bachelor’s degree. No experience. I’ve taken 2 exams but haven’t passed and now I have a job offer with a very small accounting firm that focuses on financial accounting, tax and consulting. Please help me evaluate this offer. By the way the firm is in Michigan.

    Base salary: 32K

    Estimated Annual Productivity Bonus: 2K

    Health, Dental, Optical for 2 people: 12,400 (employer paid) with $500 deductible

    Life insurance: 50K—paid by employee 89.40/year

    Continuing Education: 1K max/year

    Vacation days: 1 day accrued/month for first year. 10 days second year, 10 days third year. 1 additional day accrued after 3 years of service up to 6 weeks paid vacation.

    Sick days: 5 days per year

    Holidays: 10 holidays/year minimum

    Association Dues: AICPA and other membership fees paid by company

    License: CPA License paid by company

    In addition, I would just like to say that I really do like the people working there and I’m happy that it’s a small firm but I’m just wondering if the salary and benefits are an accurate reflection of what I should be earning in the market. Also, this position is a normal 40 hours/ week during off season and I would only have to work 4 days a week during the entire summer. 50 hours max for busy season. Input, anyone?

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  • #376743

    I say take the job but don't stop looking. My first job after graduating was only 30K too. I took it right away because the money was more than working in food service and, as a single parent, I needed regular paychecks. About a month after working there, I got a call from the place I interned with during busy season offering me a full-time job for over 50K. I felt bad about leaving after so short a time but when I explained that it would be a huge increase in salary, they understood.

    My point is take what you can get so you and your child can live comfortably. Something better will come along eventually.


    A bird in your hand is better than 2 birds in the bush. Take it. You like the people anyway. So gain the experience and have your attest hours clocked. While working, keep your eyes and ears open to other opportunities.


    @cheska_0222 – Wow! I was just logging into this post, planning to say the EXACT same thing as you said, almost word for word (well, at least the bird in the hand part). Guess I'm a little late, but I concur.

    @EELCPA You have to start somewhere, and something is better than nothing. You will get the experience in a place you like and then will be more marketable when looking for that higher paying job. Any chance you'd be willing to move closer? Let us all know what you decided.

    FAR - 92 (4/27/12)
    AUD - 96 (7/17/12)
    BEC - 92 (8/30/12)
    REG - 91 (11/12/12)


    Your bargaining chips are:

    1) Another, higher paying job offer (which may or may not have summer hours)

    2) If you bring in worthwhile client work, or can increase billable services from their current clients

    Take the life insurance, b/c someone else depends on your income. Also sort out long-term disability insurance, which the AICPA offers at fairly competitive rates, if this place does not offer it.

    As mentioned previously, you are essentially being paid: $32k + $12,400 = $44k. Remember that you are costing the employer more than these numbers, b/c of FICA, workers comp, FUTA, SUTA, professional liability insurance, etc.

    Take advantage of the slower work pace to keep looking AND pass the exam.

    Couldn't pass again!


    @momto5 – (-: I guess we sort of think alike! We've lived longer than most candidates and have perhaps tasted more of the hardships that we can appreciate the little blessings that may come as a camouflage. Congrats to your once again exemplary score!


    You said its a small accounting firm that does consulting too…have you thought about becoming a QuickBooks ProAdvisor? They have an online study and exam certification process…I think it costs $300-$400, and it would give you something in your toolbox that you could use to negotiate with.

    FAR -- 90
    AUD -- 95
    BEC -- 82
    REG -- 92



    Update: I accepted the job offer and start October 1st!! I guess the 50 hour work week during busy season and 4 day work weeks from Memorial Day through Labor Day (and possibly even past Labor Day) outweigh the crappy pay! Thank you all for the comments/advice 🙂


    Congrats, EEL!

    Work your tail off, do a great job, and the compensation issue usually takes care of itself. Good luck!

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