Evaluate my job offer, PLEASE! :) - Page 2

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  • #173936

    A little history, I recently earned my bachelor’s degree. No experience. I’ve taken 2 exams but haven’t passed and now I have a job offer with a very small accounting firm that focuses on financial accounting, tax and consulting. Please help me evaluate this offer. By the way the firm is in Michigan.

    Base salary: 32K

    Estimated Annual Productivity Bonus: 2K

    Health, Dental, Optical for 2 people: 12,400 (employer paid) with $500 deductible

    Life insurance: 50K—paid by employee 89.40/year

    Continuing Education: 1K max/year

    Vacation days: 1 day accrued/month for first year. 10 days second year, 10 days third year. 1 additional day accrued after 3 years of service up to 6 weeks paid vacation.

    Sick days: 5 days per year

    Holidays: 10 holidays/year minimum

    Association Dues: AICPA and other membership fees paid by company

    License: CPA License paid by company

    In addition, I would just like to say that I really do like the people working there and I’m happy that it’s a small firm but I’m just wondering if the salary and benefits are an accurate reflection of what I should be earning in the market. Also, this position is a normal 40 hours/ week during off season and I would only have to work 4 days a week during the entire summer. 50 hours max for busy season. Input, anyone?

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  • #376728

    I must say 4 day weeks during the summer sounds awesome AF!

    Class of 2012


    Lol Mini, when I read your post about not needing life insurance with a kid, I thought “wt*^%? was he hacked by goodluck”

    Class of 2012

    mena je twa

    32k is poor……. But you dont have any thing else, take it for now and get some experience going for you.

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    You should look into a term life policy … depending on age, health, and family history you can probably get 20 year fixed term – $500k policy for $25 a month or so.


    I've read the post like 5 times and still dont see the mention of a kid. What am i missing?

    Btw – I agree with Jeff regarding term insurance. Definitely the way to go.


    @Mini, you're back and I didn't know it! I've been off A71 for a few months now so that's probably why…..it got really boring, lol. But yeah, I need that life insurance!

    @Meadebitum, another downer to this position…it's an HOUR away from where I live now and it's in the capital so the pay really should be better I think. So not only is it low pay but I'll be on the road for 2 hours out of my day….plenty of audio lecture time for me! Also, I'm not sure how it compares to other small cpa firms in the area but from what I researched it's below the 10th percentile. I had an interview with a regional accounting firm last week too but they decided to pursue another candidate. I'm still applying for other jobs to see what I can come up with but this is the first offer I've received since I finished my degree in MARCH. I'm thinking this would be a wonderful stepping stone and perhaps even more because like I said I really do like the people there, the environment and the relaxed hours.

    @yellow, thanks for the advice! It always helps to hear what other people made after graduating….this could honestly be worse and I could be temping somewhere in my town for like $12/hour..eh no thanks!

    Loving all the responses– You're all so helpful! Would any of you suggest I counter the offer and what should I ask for if I do? I'm not sure I have much leverage other than having the bachelor's degree and they only required an associate's degree…


    Mini, my 3rd post 🙂


    Beyond the specifics of the offer, you said you felt you would be happy working there, have shorter weeks, and a cap on hours during busy season. In my opinion, these elements make your offer WAY more attractive being that you are a single mom. I do well where I am at, but know I could make more elsewhere. But I rarely work OT, have flexibility when needed for “mom” things, and LOVE my job. To me these outweigh an additional boost in salary. I am happy and make a good living. I say go for it if the pay is something you can live on. Best of luck to you!

    REG 72, 86 and DONE!!!
    BEC 80 🙂
    FAR 72, 78 🙂
    AUD 73, 76 🙂

    mena je twa


    This salary is before taxes, so make sure you budget the NET amount before accepting the offer. Also, if its 1 hr drive each day, each way, budget more money for gas/ car maintenance etc.

    Do you share a room/board or stay with parents? or you will be on your own?

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012


    @Mini I it's in his 3rd post

    Class of 2012


    @Jeff, thanks for the advice and that was definitely in my plans!




    @mena, I did figure the salary net of taxes which makes the offer more difficult to accept because it would only leave me with around $800 for savings and money to play with. The gas and car maintenance is another big concern because my car isn't brand new or anything. I'll be needing a new one in 2-3 years and I'm afraid that at that salary or even a little higher I won't be able to afford a car payment and full coverage insurance.


    Anyone think I should make a counter offer? Or has anyone been successful making counter offers with no experience and could give me a few pointers? Note: The employer told me I would've had a chance at negotiating a higher salary until after I mentioned adding my child to the 100% employer paid insurance plan.

    mena je twa

    At the end of the day, its your call. But it will be rough & tough. I have been through these kind of stages and trust me bills hit you hard and once the unexpected bills come through, thats when Credit Card comes into play and eventually you get burdened with Debt….

    I wish you the best, i will drink on your behalf while watching the Bears and Packers

    Licensed CPA, Texas - 2012

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