Does this happen to anyone else? (job search)

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  • #177248

    So I’ve been applying for jobs on Craigslist and Monster and have gotten a few calls back. This where my problems start.

    The first call I get the girl tells me shes going to send me an email with info about the company and address and stuff. She never does. I go in for the interview and she tells me that she’ll tell me if I got the job or not. This was Friday and she hasn’t called yet.

    Second call I get is from an office in another city so they leave me a voicemail offering to set up a phone interview. No one answers at that number and there’s no voicemail. So I call the number that they called from and the girl says that she’ll have the person who sets up interviews call me. This was yesterday and they haven’t called yet.

    Today I get a call for an interview and like the first one, the girl tells me she will email me with some stuff. It’s been two hours since and still nothing.

    Is this pretty normal?

    AUD-50,62,68 (retake july)
    FAR-15(didnt study)

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  • Author
  • #409932

    I have not applied for jobs at CPA firms or any large business for that matter, but in my experience the situations you described are common. Out of the times I've applied, interviewed, had second interviews, I've had some never get back to me at all, and the others never get back to me when they said they would.

    In fact, I'm currently waiting to hear about a job that is past due for a response. If i don't hear back by the end of next week, I plan to contact them. Unfortunately, I don't think the job market today helps anything. There are so many people applying for the same position that I'm sure it can be difficult to keep track and keep everyone up to date.

    Hang in there and follow etiquette.

    Ninja Combo, Yaeger, Wiley -- Licensed CPA, May 2015


    I ended up calling all three.

    I didn't get the job I interviewed for but supposedly I was “2nd” and I got the information and I for the interview and the phone interview set up.

    It's annoying that employers do that though.

    Thanks for the response and good luck with the one you're waiting on.

    AUD-50,62,68 (retake july)
    FAR-15(didnt study)


    Hey, it is very disappointing that the interviewer doesn't keep their word and get back to you with either a yes or a no, but I would keep looking. Branch out a little more, send more resumes. But as the saying goes, Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Yeah I have been, thanks. I just read on another forum that employeers power play like that because they can since the economy's rough. The more you know.

    AUD-50,62,68 (retake july)
    FAR-15(didnt study)

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