Does anyone actually like tax practice? - Page 2

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  • #175681

    Kafka and Rube Goldberg together couldn’t have come up with anything nearly as absurd as the US tax code. I’ll live on the street in a cardboard box before I do tax for a living.

    But you actually like it, don’t you? For God’s sake, explain why.

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  • #392834

    I love tax. I have been in the business for 16 years and really enjoy it. I would like to get more into estate and corporate tax though. I live in a real picky rural area, If you don;t have a cpa,most corporate or partnership entitites won't bother. Individual tax is good but annoying because people relate or compare what I do with the temps at H&R Block and other franchises. Lately, the individual clientel has been aweful…everybody looking to get something extra from Uncle Sam. The most annoying part is letting them know that I won't file a bogus return I really would like more challenging assignments thoough, like corporate or estate tax, I'll even tackle partnerships. Someone said previously, it the money. The money is great until it runs out and you have to find something else to do the rest of the year. (after tax season).

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass



    I wouldn't say that corporate/estate taxes are any more challenging than individual taxes. In fact, corporate returns are somewhat simpler in that you have a balance sheet to tie back to to make sure you entered everything correctly. But shhhh… We want to keep making the big bucks for preparing them. : )

    FAR - 79 - 07/2012
    AUD - 65, 78 - 11/2012
    BEC - 76 - 11/2012
    REG - 78 - 01/2013
    ETH - 98 - 01/2013

    Material: Wiley books


    Two words: Job Security – if taxes were easy, our clients wouldn't need us and I'd have to be an auditor. (Gag) 🙂

    I passed in 2012!

    BEC - PASSED - I'M DONE!!!
    AUD - PASSED (finally!!)
    REG - PASSED (Twice - lost credit first time)


    I'm fond of it post REG studies, and money obviously is nice, but if you want to open your own practice eventually and be able to be entrepreneurial while simultaneously helping many prospective clients, then why not? Nothing like giving back and getting rewarded for it 🙂

    FAR - 7/16/2012 *76 : 2.5mo [Exp. 1/2014]
    AUD - 8/31/2012 *82 : 1mo
    REG - 11/27/2012 *83 : 2.5mo
    BEC - 2/27/2013 *80 : 2.5mo LET'S DO THIS!!!
    Ethics - 3/13

    [ 2011 Kaplan Self Study - Textbook, MP3s, FlashCards ]

    CMA... Hmmm...???

    Gerg, CPA

    it's an acquired taste….

    and i agree w/ what someone else (possibly multiple ppl) said – it'll never go out of business. The only certainties in life are death & taxes. as long as there are rich dummies in this country, they will need people like me to do their taxes.

    FAR - 1/26/2012 - PASSED (78, but Lost credit), re-do 11/27/2013 - PASSED (87)!
    AUD - EPIC FAIL, 71, 69; 68; 5/25/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    REG - 10/1/2012 - 72; 7/1/2013 - 73 UGH, 10/1/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    BEC - 2/28/2013 - PASSED (82)!
    Licensed CPA!

    Used Becker self-study materials (just this for FAR original & REG #1), WileyTestBank, NINJA notes/audio, and Roger cram course for AUD #5, REG #3 & FAR reboot. CPA!


    Or…perhaps they're rich because they make wise decisions – like outsource things like tax planning and returns to people who do it for a living 🙂



    Your comment “The only certainties in life are death & taxes. as long as there are rich dummies in this country, they will need people like me to do their taxes.” is really disturbing.

    The only “rich dummies” I've ever met are *perhaps* those that inherited it – certainly not anyone who has worked for it. And those who inherited their wealth don't need tax advisory services for long because they are dumb enough to lose it all.

    If you think our clients are “rich dummies”, perhaps you should consider a different line of work. Just sayin'



    lol!!!! “Different strokes for different folks.”


    Taxes is awesome. Other than Financial Accounting, I find this and the associated research so fun and exciting. It emcompasses alot of research and reading, I think thats why people hate it so much. The loads of information doesn't help it's cause but I find it really fun.

    Gerg, CPA

    my comment about “rich dummies” was meant in jest. take it easy, folks

    FAR - 1/26/2012 - PASSED (78, but Lost credit), re-do 11/27/2013 - PASSED (87)!
    AUD - EPIC FAIL, 71, 69; 68; 5/25/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    REG - 10/1/2012 - 72; 7/1/2013 - 73 UGH, 10/1/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    BEC - 2/28/2013 - PASSED (82)!
    Licensed CPA!

    Used Becker self-study materials (just this for FAR original & REG #1), WileyTestBank, NINJA notes/audio, and Roger cram course for AUD #5, REG #3 & FAR reboot. CPA!



    Pros: no travel, fixed routine, relatively no stress

    Cons: very static/boring, difficult clients at time (if you're dealing with individuals)


    Kelly W: Curious about the difficult tax clients. What is it they do?


    “Pros: no travel, fixed routine, relatively no stress”

    that's my kind of lifestyle


    @cheesedog: “I heard I could deduct…….” “I got more money back last year…” yada yada

    @jobless: as opposed to audit

    just my $.02


    Yep. I get to do a lot of research in SALT, international and transaction, and nexus tax issues. It's about how to outsmart Uncle Sam and still be in compliance. It's a lot of reading, but I can't complain about being paid to learn by surfing. (It's the opposite of school where you get to pay to learn)

    Couldn't pass again!

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