Entourage –
“1. Dum(b)guy_cpa – This is simply having the proper social intelligence to understand how to communicate with people. If you're condescending, you lose your point as soon as people start to annoyed. If you're empathetic, however, your points come across a lot better and people actually listen to what you're saying. You might want to work on that.”
—This is a lie. For one thing, there is proper social intelligence in how to communicate with people, and then there is proper social intelligence in how to communicate with other accountants. Very much two separate things. Also, please feel free to look at my post history. On and off for probably a few months now, I've posted several positive and helpful pieces of advice, and rarely does it ever go acknowledged. Lol face it, some people just want a reason to point their finger at a bad guy because it makes them feel better.
Theres something seriously wrong if people only connect with other people because they are fun or nice to be around, disregarding any other factual/constructive information. It's the same thing if you are out with a group of friends and are pressured “here, have another shot!” and you say “sure why not, i'm having a good time!” when in reality you should probably get home and study. It's called social engineering, and the majority of people don't know how to rationalize without getting their irrational emotions involved. People need to stop relying so much on other people and find an even balance between work and play, and its a shame that I remember a few BAP members during my undergrad always cheating on exams that it became regular. They should all have been expelled, but they are now working for some large companies including the Big 4. I don't doubt that this happens at other schools as well. Sorry am I rambling?…lol
“2. While I agree that sometimes accounting professionals make themselves out to be more than they are, I do have a problem with your generalization about the entire profession. The way you speak makes you seem like you're a newly retired 62+ professional who is providing advice at a college forum.”
—I am trying hard not to think of the entire profession as such but in reality, from my undergrad experience, working at three different CPA firms, attending meetings, traveling to other states for training, and seeing pictures of other groups of accountants on facebook, I don't think I'm far off base. If you refer back to the original post, you can see that I “qualified my opinion” (<~~buzz word!) stating that there are a few exceptions to the norm.
Also it was my mistake to claim that I have such great accounting experience making it appear that I think I'm better than others. What I meant was that relatively speaking in regards to other recent college graduates, I do have a lot more experience, implying that I shouldn't have a problem finding a position elsewhere.
“3. Please don't judge us younger “kids” by this guy. I can assure you that there are lots of others like me and our generation is certainly willing to work, especially in this economy.”
—Lots of others like you, as in the same homogenous stereotypical accounting undergraduate, socially engineered in such a fashion with probably very little to no real world experience so you can be taken advantage of and manipulated in the workplace? Yea, you'll do just fine.
Lol again no need to take offense if it doesn't pertain to you, you can be perfectly happy and content working as an accountant, maybe these are the type of people you are accustomed to. Maybe you are just good at it and its what you want to do for the rest of your life. Good for you, I was suckered throughout the process of my undergraduate (and even interviewing with my previous firm) to have higher expectations working for an international public accounting firm. Why do you think they wine and dine you during an office visit? Have attractive HR personnel? Select certain staff to attend recruiting events? Show fake model accountants on their websites and advertisements? Go green? Endorse corporate responsibility and community involvement? While there may be some good intention and it gives employees the opportunity to help and participate, its all to promote a certain image to the outsider. And again that is why the accounting profession flies under the radar, because its fake and a promotional illusion for business purposes.
That is why the accounting field is so conservative. That is why you don't generally find a lot of diversity in the industry. And that is why students are made to believe that a career in accounting was the “right” choice and that they will make a lot of money after graduating. Selective information, they only tell you what they want you want to hear. Hmm, what is the turnover rate in the profession again? How many partners and upper managers are single or can't maintain a happy marriage?
I think for a lot of young people, their optimism and image of what their life would be like as an accountant is greatly changed after spending some time working in the real world. There are a lot of problems that need to be addressed that no one does because they don't want to stand out and lose their jobs. And I attribute it mainly to the fact that accountants are subtly socially engineered that way during school and jobs are given to those select, and not necessarily best qualified, type of candidates.