diversity in the work place - Page 4

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  • #172787

    i am starting to feel that diversity is not appreciated in the world of accounting, aside from the big 4, i don’t think smaller firms even care. from what i’ve seen, probably 95% of firms i’ve interviewed with (probably about 20 different firms large and small) all promote a homogenous culture. every firm i see the same kind of half dead, robotic, soulless eyes and fragile, unathletic, unhealthy groups of accountants and i wonder what the hell. accounting is not an industry to be proud working in.

    they hire people who they think they can manipulate into working longer hours and performing more work for less pay. they hire people who aren’t necessarily the best, but people they think they can use up and spit out if they feel like it. people who are friends of the current employees to promote yet an even further office of second-hand individuals who think they are special in life just because they can come to work and perform the work of a highly trained monkey.

    accountants are not much but tools, implemented to carry out mechanical, lower-level tasks, and may receive a promotion in the future if they are well behaved. i am close to my boiling point, luckily i still plan on finishing this exam and more actively pursue my dreams of entrepreneurship which is already underway. this is exactly why the accounting industry flies under the radar and is not in the public spotlight, because they have unorthodox hiring practices and are unethical in nature.

    sorry but as an active cpa candidate who has a substantial amount of relevant experience as well as operative business experience and a number of other accomplishments socially, academically, and professionally, i have seen much behind the scenes of a lot of firms to put the pieces together myself and expose what i’ve described here. i am not arrogant nor am i stressed out, accounting is and always will be a field for second hand individuals who are extremely sheltered and never could make much out of life except reading books and pursuing a career that would earn a higher average salary than others and in turn give the false impression that they are elite and a better human being.

    of course there are a few exceptions to the norm, but very few. no need to counter my arguments here, more than likely if you feel the need, you probably have been offended that you fall into this category which has already been thoroughly verified by my own firsthand scientific reasoning and observations.

    /end truth

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  • #357797

    wow dumguy I actually can relate to some of your frustration, I just wouldn't quite voice it the same way – I was basically eighty sixed out of big 4 myself after just 8 months and did see some of what you speak.


    I just wasted like 20 minutes reading this thread… I don't understand what dumguy's argument is? Is it because I'm Mexican and since English is my second language, I don't quite understand things the first time I read them? But wait, I'm almost done with the CPA exams, so I have to be at a little smart, right? I'll go ahead and conclude that there is in fact no argument here. What's with the Katy Perry video? Random AF.

    Class of 2012


    If the place sucked so bad, then why are you pissed that you got fired? And more importantly, why are you taking it out on us? I didn't fire you so why are you calling me “half-dead, robotic and soulless”? I understand you are pissed but, please channel your rage in the proper direction. You don't know any of us so how can you pigeon hole the entire profession because of one really crappy job full of people that you obviously didn't like and that obviously didn't like you. I'm 43 and have had my share of jobs. I had one boss, a real estate agent, who chased me around a conference table until my father got there, but you don't see me calling all real estate agents perverts. As for your grammar, your posts are really hard to read. I'm sure a good psychiatrist could explain the mental process behind the lack of capitalization and run-on sentences. I wish you the best of luck in finding a new job.


    @Mrs 300

    1. I am willing to bet you are so empathetic with the younger people at your firm, trying to be such a positive influence. LOL what they need is someone to get their asses motivated and stop being a bunch of spoiled brats and get to WORK. I would hate you as a manager trying to make everything seem so fluffy, people don't need a cheerleader and i hate management styles that resemble that, what people need is a reality check and stop taking everything so lightly. i heard one of the other new hires was CRYING at work because one of the clients told her boss she didn't know what she was doing…yet she still has a job! talk about spoiled, i'm all for having fun and enjoying spending time with my co-workers, but at the same time i've seen a lot of counter-productive behavior that is overlooked.

    2. null

    3. Yes it was directed toward you, and you further lose credibility because you used the same credibility argument i used against you to try to discredit me…follow?

    4. Sorry, but I'm not sorry. You obviously lack reading comprehension if this caused confusion for you.

    Mrs 300

    Oh dumbguy…..

    I just can't help myself. mla, I'm going to take back anything I ever said about being mature or an old soul.

    1) PwC and my current firm (another top 15 firm) are completely going down the tubes. So I can completely understand how you would arrive at this conclusion.

    3) Actually, no I don't follow you. At all.

    4) I'm not sure if my reading comprehension is that bad or if your posts are so horribly written that it's impossible to understand your point. And yes, now that I re-read your post, I did misunderstand. I guess only time will tell if I'm going to be bitter. I'm confused as if the same young people competing for my job are going to be the same cry babies that need a reality check?

    REG - 80 (Becker only)
    BEC - 76 (Becker only)
    AUD - 71, 76 (Becker only)
    FAR - 65, 74, 81! (Becker, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja notes & Audio)

    CPA Class of 2012 🙂



    i don't even know what you are talking about, so if it doesn't relate to you, then why are you trying to get involved?


    if you read the entire thread you would understand that i am not upset about losing my job. i also clearly mentioned that i didn't call anyone on this forum any of those names and that if people felt the need to respond to confront me, then they were probably offended by what i said.

    so here we are, with a few offended people who either fall into the category i've described throughout the thread, or a few people who cannot read and fully understand the contents of a thread on a public FORUM

    yes it is a FORUM, not an english paper. but wait, that makes those of you complaining about the way i post on a forum superior to me since you type with proper grammar, sentence structures, and capitalization at all times. lol goodness get real, and its always the “older” people that have a problem with that


    Hi. My life sucks. I blame accountants. I doubt they'll fight back, because the puny life experience I've had makes me think that all the stereotypes are true, and I'm too arrogant and narrow minded to look passed them. Maybe there's a forum out there where I can take out my frustrations which I obviously brought upon myself by being a total idiot at my last job and during interviews. Oh and I'll cover myself by saying that anyone who says anything against what I say is an offended, over-sensitive whimp. That'll really get those loser accountants! They're just second-class people, anyway… not like wonderful people like me. Trying to drag them down will surely make me feel better.

    AUD - 79
    BEC - 88
    REG - 87
    FAR - 86 - Woot, all done!
    Ethics - 100


    Look, we're just trying to help you out here. Some of us here have years (cough) decades of work experience. Your first experience didnt go over too well…so instead of telling us how it's everyone else's fault, you may want to do a reality check and see if you aren't to blame for losing your job.

    Now get off my lawn

    FAR -- 90
    AUD -- 95
    BEC -- 82
    REG -- 92



    1. I can read and I did read the entire thread, or what I could make of some of your rambling. I did see that you said you weren't upset about losing your job but actions speak louder than words. If you weren't upset about it then why come on here and bash an entire profession, that I happen to be a member of, so by extension bash me?

    2. Let me get this straight, you feel that because I'm commenting on your posts in a manner that contradicts your opinion, then I am either a brain dead twit who lets the boss play grab ass to keep my job or I'm an idiot who doesn't know what a FORUM is? I am neither.

    3. I'm not saying that you need to use AP style when writing a post but common courtesy dictates that you at least make it sound intelligent and not so much like the Unabomber's manifesto. I'm not saying, nor implying that I think I'm superior to anyone, but I do take other peoples feelings into consideration. That is part of living in a civilized society.

    4. Believe me I am taking a lot of peoples feelings into consideration while writing this and not telling you exactly how I feel and what I am thinking right now.


    hey i didn't direct any comments at anyone here until people started judging me and taking offense to what was being said. those are not people trying to help, those are people defending their joke of an ego by confronting a little difference of opinion online with belittling remarks that serve no constructive purpose whatsoever, here let me show you:

    KGC111210 – What makes me sick is all the well to do wanna be elites that think the are better than others and yes I mean you. By the way you spell dumb with a “b”.

    Mrs 300 – It's seriously posts like these that make me want to just leave A71 completely. The last few weeks, especially after reading some of the BS on here, I am not surprised at all as to why our economy sucks.

    mla1160 – At 42 I worry for our future when kids like this decide they made the wrong career choice for themselves and feel the need to call names people who don't have the same regrets.

    mla1160 – Dumguy, who has the narrow beliefs? Take a personal inventory….

    Kricket – I'm sure a good psychiatrist could explain the mental process behind the lack of capitalization and run-on sentences.

    I am not the issue here, I see and I thank the people that have expressed experiencing the same problems at work as I've had. And as mentioned, I appreciate the constructive feedback of those sharing their experiences and words of wisdom. At the beginning of the thread I even clearly indicated that there would be people who feel the need to voice out and defend themselves about what I originally posted. And they just can't let it go that if it doesn't pertain to them, then why are you confronting me in such a negative manner?

    First world problems, FML


    It's probably about time for Jeff to shut this particular thread down. Anyone agree?


    Because you were not at all judgemental? How can someone as open minded and cordial as yourself be the target of such vitriol? After all, you've got all the answers and at the tender age of what? 26? You've got the world figured out…. As a mom of a child close to your age, I smile and think you've got some serious lessons to learn about the real world. Best of luck wherever life takes you, I hope you remember the days when you knew it all!

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Agreed, too many weird and washed up old people.


    mla1169 – “I smile and think you've got some serious lessons to learn about the real world. Best of luck wherever life takes you, I hope you remember the days when you knew it all!”

    lol i'm not the one who needs to be lectured, tell that to the crybaby who was crying at work over a little criticism or stressed out because they cant figure out how to do a bank reconciliation or quit public accounting because they can't handle 70+ hours a week. aww you won't criticize them the way you do to me because you think she's pretty or she is so super friendly and makes work that much more happy to come to. how about stop lying to your children about how the world works so they don't cry on the job when it slaps them in the face. i am none of these, and sorry that your sensitive self and others who probably babied their way into a job can't handle a more direct and assertive person like myself. seriously get real its a shame people like you are apparently so “well-liked”, probably only because the only card you play is to make them feel warm and cozy inside and giving the false impression that its okay to be overly optimistic.

    the remaining posters are just stragglers, i could care less at this point. have a good night

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